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December 2010 Blog Posts (21)

What is a book?

ALthough I am not a parent, I am a lover of children's literature. In a world of techno gadgets (laptops, mp3s, twitter), it has finally come to this; this summer someone published a book for children explaining what a book is. The title: It's a Book. The author: Lane Smith.

A book does not have wi-fi, a a mouse or volume control. It does not blog, charge, scroll or have a password. It contains (preloaded)…


Added by Claire (Flying Penguin) on December 29, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments


The Festivus idea originally came to Seinfeld writer Dan O'Keefe from a tradition started by his father Daniel O'Keefe.

The elder O'Keefe had discovered the Festivus holiday in a book, published in 1966, that outlined obscure holidays. The book described many of the features later included in the Seinfeld episode. He was also inspired inspired by the Samuel Beckett play Krapp's Last Tape, whose protagonist tapes himself speaking at different times in his life.

The original… Continue

Added by Jeffodist (MOMO) on December 25, 2010 at 6:03pm — 4 Comments

Love within and without this Holiday Season

An aged, silver haired man; the owner to a face, or rather a canvas, of ominous expression. Clinical grey eyes, cold and diffident to even the smallest of creatures, stare down as he treads through slush and ice. His coattail drifting behind him as the frigid winter gust tugs at his coat and chills his bones; his brown leather shoes with worn soles sink into the soggy frost bitten ground, occasionally slipping on invisible slabs of ice; his…


Added by Caroline(RodantsOfUnusualSize) on December 23, 2010 at 2:26am — No Comments

website about Rhett and Link

So my friend (Lianne) and I had this project for school, to make a website. And Lianne and I decided to make one about Rhett and Link. so after a month (that's when we got the thingy), it's finaly done  :D.


(english) link: www.femenli.woelmuis.nl/welcome.html

(dutch) link: www.femenli.woelmuis.nl


What do u think???

Added by Femkoe Slangen(yuxa) I'm a cow on December 22, 2010 at 9:43am — 7 Comments

My First Post

Post text

Added by Bertram Boyer on December 22, 2010 at 3:58am — No Comments




Added by PJ Charnock on December 20, 2010 at 11:08pm — No Comments

Flashback: Rhettandlink plugging the Kommunity Toolbar from a webkast

Awhile Back, Rhettandlink shared about the Kommunity toolbar.  I'm glad they plugged it.


Here's the highlight from the show, recorded from the toolbar/chat window available from the…


Added by Edlives (Dragon) on December 20, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments


to all the mythical beasts of the kommunity!!!!




Added by Gideone (Eyecow Smoker) on December 19, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Rain Song

A quiet winter night

as a cold breeze whispers

through a cracked window sill.

The rain taps on above.…


Added by Cee ( The Platysombat) on December 19, 2010 at 2:30am — No Comments


Thanx everyone that has welcomed me to the Kommunity. And  if you haven't then stop reading this blogpost and (DO IT NOW). Because i like a whole lot of attention its what im best at. I guess that's an attribute but who cares they spelt community wroung on the thing anyways. And right now your probably thinking -Who is this dumb little fat kid talking to us- first of all im am not dumb... and seconds of all i am not talking to you i am blogging to you. So anyways thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by Marshall Mulkey on December 18, 2010 at 7:33am — No Comments

Rant Blog N0. 4 - Why Assumptions Cause Problems

So basically, what has annoyed me lately is people making assumptions about me, or more specifically, how much time I have free and availability.


I mean, being a musician means that people are going to rely on you to perform alot, and so preforming and rehearsing are second nature to me, and I don't mind it. However, what does bother me, is when people decide that they can book you to do something without even checking you availability.


And it was a classic…


Added by Gareth Ryan Hansford (Druyii) on December 17, 2010 at 4:25pm — 3 Comments


         WOOT. Christmas is almost here and finals for the first semester are finally over. It's been a while, hasn't it? Anyway, to start, finals. I had no idea why I was worrying so badly. All of them were easy, even though they seemed daunting. The hardest one? Probably English. We didn't have to write an essay or take a test on the assigned book. We had to read a 1-2 page excerpt from the short story we wrote, to the entire class. Easy-peasy,lemon-squeezy,…


Added by Ethan (Vivid Wyvern) on December 16, 2010 at 1:18am — 1 Comment

#10- Once a Black Sheep, Always a Black Sheep

As so of you may know, I am an education major. As I get further into my schooling though, I find that I am not like any of the other ed. majors in my school. Most of them are almost cookie cutter in their similarities, all prim and proper. I, on the other hand, come to class clad in skulls and anime. My interests are both academic and rooted in things like heavy metal music. I don't want to blend in with the rest of the crowd, but it seems odd that I have picked to seek out a vocation that…


Added by Elysium {NekoYoukai} on December 13, 2010 at 4:02pm — 3 Comments


OK, I made this post yesterday. Even though Election Day isn't here, I made this post.

Who do YOU want to be president next?


Barack Hussein Obama Junior

Joseph Biden

Jimmy Carter

Hillary Clinton


John McCain

George Herbert Walker Bush

Added by INVALID [The Dreidel] on December 12, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments


Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcvNXxVOokk&feature=related

If you're wondering why there's a picture of Ben and Jerry's for Vermont, its because Ben and Jerry's started in Vermont.

This was made 57 minutes ago.


Added by INVALID [The Dreidel] on December 12, 2010 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

My Picture Contest

Ok, here's the deal. This is very simple. Send in a picture that has to do with any of these things:

-Rhett And Link


-Your Family

-What You Like


Let's see what you turn in!

Added by INVALID [The Dreidel] on December 11, 2010 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

Random Tags


Added by INVALID [The Dreidel] on December 9, 2010 at 10:06pm — 1 Comment


Soooo..i haven't existed on here in a while, and here's a little explanation of why that is.

  1. Finals @ school
  2. Pregnant and EXTREMELY nauseous ALL DAY LONG
  3. Sick with a cold
  4. Sick with a neck problem
  5. Tons of doctor visits

I hope to be back here enjoying the kommunity soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone :)

Added by Trasity (Platypterodactylotamus) on December 9, 2010 at 8:22pm — 3 Comments

Dream Job or Dream House?

Would you rather live in a tiny shack and have the best job ever, or would you rather live in a mansion and have the most dirty, labouring hours job ever?

I'll go first!
I would rather live in a tiny sack and have the best job ever because I would be graphic…

Added by Ella on December 9, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Madness, A short story for all you scifi/time travel fans

Final excerpts from the journal of a mad scientist from the future

July 5 (I Think) 2050

I woke up this morning in a rather dismal, but creative mood, I thought, "in a Distraught world whose pain, suffering, and nuclear warfare see no

end, What avenue of survival do I, a man of small stature,

and no means of defense, Have? Should I call upon a Henchman? Gather cronies? Hire a body guard? no, none of the former, minions! at last a spark…


Added by Ben Shultz (one wheeled shark) on December 3, 2010 at 3:55pm — No Comments

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