Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
have you seen one in your small town?
Rhett and Link officially confirmed on today's show [GMM #1372 ~ Hilarious Kid's Test Answers]
what was previously only alluded to in the latest edition of Mythical Monthly and bantered about the past several days in various social media posts.
Rhett - "Now, right out of the gate, we're issuing a very important heads-up . . .
so here it is:
In small towns all over America, we have put up brand new Mythical billboards!"
Link - "Yeah, that's right! So keep your eyes peeled for our billboards in a small town near you. And watch our socials for clues as to their locations, and then you can share your findings with the hashtag MythicalUSA."
If you spot one in your home town or anywhere along the highway, snap a pic & share it here also for fellow MBs to enjoy. A list of "clues" and corresponding locations will be gathered from your contributions and those posted or shared by the "official" Kommunity Facebook, Twitter and/or Tumblr pages.
From the Mythical Monthly clues (geographic coordinates) below, there are at least 43 out there to locate . . . my guess is maybe one somewhere in every state???
List and map updated daily until all are located:
Reported seen but no pics yet:
Click image below for interactive map when planning your #MythicalUSA road trip!
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UPDATE 12/21/2018:
Sad to report that, due to some recent pricing changes at Google Maps, on which the batchgeo.com platform is based, the site no longer provides free services on any maps with more than 100 views.
Because the Mythical USA Map project already far exceeds the limit (with over 25,000 views) it is no longer available for viewing.
Further comments on this thread have been disabled. Stay Beast!
Looks like that Portland, ME bus ad got fixed & replaced: https://twitter.com/Wholockian_15/status/1057685199264329728
We have the first confirmed multi-location sighting with photo evidence. Congrats to this dedicated group of MBs who took the 360 mile road trip to witness the #MythicalUSA billboards in Pa, NJ & NY.
Although we knew where the Florida billboard was, we never got an in-person photo of it...until today.
Yeehaw Junction, FL: https://twitter.com/Ara_Sings/status/1045799815622406144
@Gumbo - Yeah, I just saw the Twitter photo, too. It's still very weird to me that the ad placement not only overlays the "metro" blue stripe but also bears the name of the Vermont town instead of Portland. Oh well, what can you do?
Mission complete!
HUGE apologies to Michelle Lampron - - corroborating evidence has been supplied by a fellow Portland area MB and she is now credited with the "official" first sighting report. This concludes the Kommunity's coverage of #MythicalUSA coverage for 2018 as Maine is the 50th #gmm billboard located.
Here's the 2nd sighting for Maine - - still a mystery of why the bus is driving around with the same advert as Wilder, Vermont - - https://twitter.com/Saraaa618/status/1045009155768102914
You're right, the ad placement does seem fishy. Consider it ruled out.
The Rhett & Link social accounts now hint that the Maine billboard is on a bus and provide a map-based hint, as well.
Twitter Hint: https://twitter.com/rhettandlink/status/1044678012158062597
Facebook Hint: https://bit.ly/2NELzTK
On second review, I'm making an "executive decision" and calling FAKE NEWS on the Portland, ME sighting - - - obviously a photoshop job, as the advert would not be placed over the seam of that equipment access door below the Metro blue line unless there were a cut seam.
Yes, still a mystery. I was able to locate pics of the Portland, ME city bus line, definitely named Metro, and it matches exactly the color scheme and "Clean Natural Gas" scheme. My only guess is that someone at either MYTHICAL INC. or the advertising company sent the wrong image or instruction to the Portland authority.
source: http://www.gpcog.org/portland-metro-increases-cng-bus-fleet/
Meanwhile, searching for "THE CURRENT" bus lines that serve Windsor County (VT) where the community of Wilder* is located I couldn't find that exact paint scheme, but there are some similar colors. It could possibly just be an older bus still in the fleet.
*Wilder is an unincorporated village and census-designated place (CDP) within the town of Hartford in Windsor County, Vermont.
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