
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

All Blog Posts Tagged 'rhett' (133)

What Do You Order at Starbuck? - CALLING a Mythical Show Contest Winner #6 (KOMMUNITY EXCLUSIVE)

Rhett & Link tracked down the  Mythical Show Contest Winner #5 and announce Winner #6! Email contest@rhettandlink.com and show us how you promoted the Mythical Show to win a personal phone call and a T-Shirt! There will be one winner for every week of the show!


Added by Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus) on May 30, 2013 at 2:30pm — 29 Comments

CALLING a Mythical Show Contest Winner #4 and Her Mom (KOMMUNITY EXCLUSIVE)

Rhett & Link talked to the Mom of the lucky Mythical Show Contest Winner #5. Email contest@rhettandlink.com and show us how you promoted the Mythical Show to win a personal phone call and a T-Shirt! There will be one winner for every week of the show!

Added by Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus) on May 22, 2013 at 8:30pm — 10 Comments

Main the Cat

There was once a cat... named main.

one day, Main was doing its usual daily deeds of a talking cat

when it suddenly was killed at 7:36 PM

A question he had been asked, it had killed them. A question that he, nor anyone else could answer. "Do Rhett and Link ever come on here??"



Added by Marcus Bean (Wilt) on May 22, 2013 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

CALLING the Mythical Show Contest Winners #2 & #3 (KOMMUNITY EXCLUSIVE)

Two lucky Beasts got a call from Rhett & Link for promoting The Mythical Show this week! Email contest@rhettandlink.com and show us how you promoted the Mythical Show to win a call and a T-Shirt! There will be one winner for every week of the show!

Added by Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus) on May 15, 2013 at 6:30pm — 10 Comments

Night Link and Night Rhett: It All Begins! [Preview]

Hey fellow Mythical Beast. I've been a Mythical Beast for a very long time (since before Good Morning Chia Lincoln), but just today I've decided to join the Kommunity (a little late, am I?). Well, I wrote an origin story of Night Rhett and Night Link. This is a little preview of what I've written so far. I'm planning on making it much longer, and making sequels. Hope you enjoy what I've written so far!

Adventures of Night Rhett and Night Link: It All Begins!

Written by…


Added by Andrew Huggins on March 26, 2013 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment



10. The most light you see on most days is your comuter screen

9. you think that its normal to do quadratic equations and logerithims in second grade math

8. The best friend you have is Wikipedia



Added by outofsyncsamurai on October 15, 2012 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment




10. Beat them to death with their own shoes

9. Force them to eat their own gym socks ........ twice

8. Death by horrible poetry

7. Force them to sign a paper saying that…


Added by outofsyncsamurai on October 14, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Hello Komunnity nice to meet you

Hello Kommunity!

this is my first blog post on the site because I am in fact new to the kommunity,

not totally new in that this is my second time as a beast but this time I want to make a huge impact! not become the third member of the founders (Rhett,Ford and Link... nice ring to it) but I want to contribute as much as I can to the Kommunity,

sometimes I can spew out some good ideas so its now time to show them to the world!

I am Ford…


Added by Ford Sass on July 22, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

GMM Season 1 Highlights!

Please check out my "GMM Season 1 Highlights Video!" The link is provided below!


Added by Ben Redmill (Rice Kraken) on July 6, 2012 at 12:28am — No Comments

If I was Rhett or Link for a day...and if you were too

I've always wondered this. What would it be like if I were Rhett and Link for a day. Scratch that! They're two people, so if I were one of them. My hair is color is pretty close to Rhett's, but to be honest, I'm a lot more like Link. I order my burger a certain way....no pickles or onions and with a LOT of ketchup and mustard, I'm on the shorter side when I stand next to my BFF, My hair goes down...down down down down down down, My favorite animal is a miniature horse, and well, yeah. So I…


Added by Isabella Smith (Carbuncle) on May 25, 2012 at 6:42pm — No Comments

Been a while since I shamelessly self promoted...

Just wanted to let all my fellow Mythical Beasts out on the west coast know I will be in attendance at WonderCon in Anaheim California this weekend! This is my first convention appearance anywhere west in general and I am super excited about it! If you are anywhere near Anaheim and have the least bit of interest in comics, or meeting the one and only Ghost Chicken for that…


Added by Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken) on March 12, 2012 at 9:13pm — 10 Comments

My Mythical Shoes!



It is 3:23 am right now as I am typing.

3:24 now.















I mean you have NO idea.. or maybe those of you who waited for their shoes probably know how I am feeling right now.


On July 11, 2011.

I, Shanelka Barboan, ordered the mythical shoes 1 something in the morning.

It took…


Added by Shanelka Barboan(ChenaLeo) on July 22, 2011 at 4:30am — No Comments

Not sure about this

Okay so this is my first ever blog post in history, I was told it would  be beneficial but I am still unsure about that.

I am going to say what I am doing at the moment because if I read over this myself sometimes I might wonder why I was doing this, and I have a habit of reading over my own old stuff because I want to know what I was doing, any way back to what I am going to say, Im babysitting for some twins on my street and they have finally gone to sleep, so I am now…


Added by Lisa S (Lypana) on July 2, 2011 at 5:17pm — No Comments

Disney's Commercial Kings




Hi everyone,


This isn't a blog so much as a way to show you my latest Rhett and Link inspired kreation. It's a video concept to celebrate Commercial Kings, which is really just a parody type re-wording of the Lion King's 'Just Can't Wait to be King' as if sung by Rhett and Link. Have a look…


Added by Heather (Siantole) on June 7, 2011 at 6:12pm — 5 Comments

Did The Lonely Island just...

Steal a style of clothing  from a Rhett and Link song/video?


Well, that's how I see it.  Remember the lyrics to the "Epic Rap Battle"? Well, at one point Rhett says:


"I don’t follow the trends

I'm a style pioneer.

See this turtleneck with a necklace?

You'll be wearing this next year."


What does the lyrics have to do with The Lonely Island? Well, their new album is called "Turtlenecks and Chains". Not only that, on the album…


Added by Spencer Shuba (Spenarianshubian) on May 13, 2011 at 11:38pm — No Comments

medium: chalk and colored pencils on construction paper i hope to have this laminated. sorry the lighting was horrible. hope you guys (rhett and link) like it! ill try to send it as soon as i get it …

medium: chalk and colored pencils on construction paper

i hope to have this laminated. sorry the lighting was horrible. hope you guys (rhett and link) like it! ill try to send it as soon as i get it laminated!


Added by Kazuko Murakami (静かな トラ) on February 10, 2011 at 12:51am — No Comments

Random Tags


Added by INVALID [The Dreidel] on December 9, 2010 at 10:06pm — 1 Comment

The Future of Christmas Trees

This one's gonna be a bit short, but do any of you remember the 'Future According to Rhett' / Real Tree vs Fake Tree debate? "In 50 years, someone will come out with a pre-lit real tree," Rhett said.

Know what? They have.

Here's a link: http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2010/12/01/131669011/bioluminescent-christmas-trees

My English teacher told our class…


Added by Ethan (Vivid Wyvern) on December 2, 2010 at 4:05pm — 1 Comment


Drew a picture of Rhett a while ago. Thought maybe the Kommunity would like to see.

See more of my work on my website: www.danielkeeble.co.uk

Added by Daniel Keeble on October 15, 2010 at 4:01pm — 2 Comments

The traveling R&L binder?

So i made a binder with RhettandLink on it and i am sending it around to some of my friends ( some of my friends don't even know who RhettandLink are so they just write down what they can tell about them when they look at their pictures :l ) Daxy (possibly Nick ) and I are going to be reading all of the notes possibly around mid October when Daxy and I are posting our backwards KBE video submission .And i am also thinking aboutnlike mailing the binder to mythical beast and then after sending it… Continue

Added by Netta (Subarashii) on September 30, 2010 at 10:48pm — No Comments

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