
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Marcus Bean (Wilt)
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Marcus Bean (Wilt)'s Friends

  • Melz N (Queen of Melantis)
  • Jeni Pugh
  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)
  • A Different Camille (Doggy Poo)
  • Abrey Selyn ( TheKrakenKungpow )
  • Francisco  Hernandez
  • Kat (The Brocoon)
  • Brett Hartsell
  • Teagan
  • RandomPanda
  • Clayton (Hydracorn)
  • Lauren (the treegriff)
  • Sam (UnicornZebSpondylus)
  • Ash (Dodolphin)
  • Zak Jones (JACKALOPE)

Marcus Bean- That annoying guy who corrects everyone.

My life in three paragraphs... or so.

My name is Markashanin Beaynan.

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Comment Wall (78 comments)

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At 3:18pm on October 7, 2013, Abrey Selyn ( TheKrakenKungpow ) said…

what up dude? im new here, im just floating around looking for new buddies to beast with =]]

At 4:38pm on October 3, 2013, Karyn (Greater Horned Dingle) said…

Thank you!! 

At 7:58pm on September 25, 2013, Francisco Hernandez said…

Thank you

At 12:25am on September 24, 2013, Erin McMythical (EMc2) said…

Thanks for the XBox achievement badge! It gave me a good laugh! :)

At 6:33pm on September 23, 2013,
Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

Thanks again, Marcus! This really brightened my day. :-D

At 4:22pm on September 23, 2013, Nolan (Jedi~Squirrel) said…

Thanks Marcus!  It was a good idea and I had a lot of fun doing it!

At 6:50pm on September 16, 2013, Luna (Strix) said…

Hey Marcus! Congrats on making it to #1 on the  member leaderboard! ;D

At 8:02am on August 30, 2013, Erin McMythical (EMc2) said…
I sure hope so after all the tweets and emails I sent her! ;)
At 5:19pm on August 26, 2013,

Sometimes it's all about the timing. . . today the time was right for you!

At 1:28pm on August 17, 2013, Maddie Cooper (GhostlyLeviathan) said…
Ahhhh no one's here yet!

Marcus Bean (Wilt)'s Blog

Ballad Of The Beast

Posted on August 27, 2013 at 6:00pm 3 Comments

Eliminate the words

 Vifurcate my tongue shut

 Eliminate the flow of lies spewing from my throat. Caw like a flying

 RandLer waiting to reach the ground. Waiting for...

 you, waiting for you to show them the way.


 Fall through the sky, screaming through the night as the wind blows across your skin.

 Open your eyes, RandLer, flying is natural.

 Unicorns and Manticores thinking they're best of all, but tonight is the Randler's…


Proud to be Vegetarian.

Posted on July 19, 2013 at 1:32pm 0 Comments

Things about to get busy. I'm going to express my semi-controversial views on vegetarianism.

If you eat meat, you may or may not agree with vegetarianism, you may think:

We're all animals.

I don't care about animals, they aren't people.

God made animals for food.

I had a conversation with a meat-eater in chat. He said, "If you're trying to save animals, why are you stealing their food?"

-_- , there's a big difference in not…


The square root of raspberry should be legalized.

Posted on July 7, 2013 at 11:43pm 0 Comments

The square root of raspberry should be legalized


"- .... . / ... --.- ..- .- .-. . / .-. --- --- - / --- ..-. / .-. .- ... .--. -... . .-. .-. -.-- / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / .-.. . --. .- .-.. .. --.. . -.."

The Terms Of Service, for those who can't remember them.

Posted on July 5, 2013 at 9:30pm 6 Comments

Terms of Service

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