
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Pam Groom (NotYeti)
  • Female
  • Grand Rapids, MI
  • United States
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Pam Groom (NotYeti)'s Friends

  • Rick Owens
  • Dante Valenzuela
  • Horacio Ortiz Ibarra
  • Shaynie Lynn (Songstressaur)
  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)
  • BDodge11
  • dominik weekley
  • Jen (Fledge)
  • Shanelka Barboan(ChenaLeo)
  • Mason Eubank (Friendly Tiger)
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)
  • Donna (peachgeek)
  • Link

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Comment Wall (25 comments)

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At 4:35pm on December 10, 2015, daniela floarea said…
oh. thanks anyways :(
At 12:22pm on December 5, 2015, daniela floarea said…

if you can can you make me one for free? Im not at the age where i can get a job:)Pleeeeeaaase.

At 11:33am on November 27, 2015, daniela floarea said…

if you can or want to can you make me a puppet. i can even pay you and send you a picture of me. you dont have to make me a puppet if you dont want to. i would be veeerrrrryyyyy happy, excited, and thankful if you do. Please and thanks.

At 11:21am on November 27, 2015, daniela floarea said…

how do you make the puppets. i first want to learn how to make a puppet then i will try to make one. when i first saw the puppets from time rangerers i thought man i have to make one.

At 4:43pm on January 2, 2013, Rick Owens said…

The Rhett and Link puppets are awesome! How much will you charge to make a couple of  two guys that work at my tv station. They do an internet sports show and we thought it would be awesome if they had puppets to fill in on the show once in a while.

Great work... I'm a fan!

At 7:29am on November 5, 2012, Jen (Fledge) said…
Also, I think this comment on my page was meant for you,
"can you make my friend and i a puppet and if you can how much will it be?"
It's from dominik weekley.
At 7:27am on November 5, 2012, Jen (Fledge) said…

Wow Pam! :-D  I am in awe of the extra touches you put into the puppets! The finished product does look pretty amazing, so the craftsmanship is definitely evident.

At 8:06pm on October 21, 2012, Jen (Fledge) said…

Very cool and impressive Pam! It sounds like your site is going to be a good resource for anyone interested in puppet building. How long do you typically have to spend on building a puppet? It seems like a really time-intensive project, but worth the effort.

At 6:43pm on October 13, 2012, Jen (Fledge) said…

I like the site! It seems easy to use and un-cluttered. Like the butterfly and the bicycle riding puppets. It's nice that you have a section on the website with advice for people or groups that might not be able to afford a custom-built puppet, too.

At 1:10pm on October 10, 2012, Jen (Fledge) said…

A choir member puppet would be fun! Like you said, you wouldn't be tied in to a certain look--you could do a lot of different things with it. How many different puppets have you made over the years? Have you created animal puppets before?


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