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Dea Loca
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Davey the flying beast thing - Mythical Tales

Posted on October 5, 2015 at 10:34pm 0 Comments

What do you get when a tornado picks up a snake, a lion, a horse and an eagle?


One of two things. The first is a confused and disturbed snake, lion, horse and an eagle, and the second is the outcome from all four colliding. This produces a creature which doesn’t really have a name, therefore … are just called … uh … flying beast things … uh yeah.


The flying beast thing … is well … um. Odd. It has three snake heads … the fore body of a lion … rear of a horse and eagle wings. For obvious reasons these happen all the time because the four animals all live in the same eco system and the predator prey relationships that exist between them. Well maybe if the tornado happened to pass over a zoo (in Kansas maybe?) that didn’t evacuate its animals to a safe location.


This tale is about one of these creatures who lives on a mountain on one of the islands near the Bermuda triangle (known for its tornados … and zoos‽). His name is … umm … Davy‽…


Puff the Not so Magical Dragon

Posted on October 5, 2015 at 2:00pm 0 Comments

Puff was a dragon. Not one of these magical kinds who live by the sea or in the lands of Honah lee, but the kind that lived in the forests of Aldershot (which is a town in Hampshire, England), in a tree house decorated with a hole array of fancy treasurers such as sealing wax and a silver plated calligraphy set.


Puff spent his days watching the local barracks.  His favourite place to watch was the parade ground, and on one ‘sunny’ Aldershot day he watched these event unfold.


To the north of the square was a General giving a small speech to some new recruits and to the south was a Sargent preparing a squad of solider for some drill.

“Well, of course, warfare isn't all fun. It's all very well to laugh at the Military, but, when one considers the meaning of life, it is a struggle between alternative viewpoints of life itself, and without the ability to defend one's own viewpoint against other perhaps more aggressive ideologies, then…


Patches the Invisible Cat - Mythical Tales

Posted on October 4, 2015 at 10:37pm 2 Comments

There once was a cat. She was grey with brown patches upon her fur, and had hazel eyes and a large patch over her right eye, and received the name patches. She lived in a small town in North Carolina called Buies Creek.

Patches was a Cat like most others; she liked to sleep and to adventure the local woodland as well as getting up to mischief. However on one hot North Carolinian summers day, Patches was hunting birds and slowly began to get very hot a tired, and decided to find something to drink. So off Patches when to find a drink.

She came across a small shop which was having different foods and drinks being delivered. She noticed that some cases where being delivered. Within these cases where tear shaped bottles that glistened in the sunlight. On the labels of the bottles “Clearly Canadian” (not a sponsor) stared at Patches and gave her a sense of longing for the cool refreshing taste of the drink (again not a sponsor).

She devised a plan to steal some of…


Dea Loca - A Mythical Tale

Posted on October 4, 2015 at 10:18am 0 Comments

There was a cave, this was a cave like every other in the twenty first century Scottish Highlands. Within the cave dwelled a beast made of shadow. A local village named this shadow Dea Loca, which translates to mean Shadow Serpent.


The people were scared by the shadow as it always came to the village in the cloak of the night and attempted to steal the children of the village (but never succeed due to the invention of the of the light switch and lightbulb).


The people of the decided to trap the shadow and end the night terror once and for all. They made a plan that involved a set of bag pipes, a chicken, a pizza chef and dynamite. However due to a sudden lack of bag pipes the plan was discarded, and a second plan was created, a plan of utter mythically! This plan only required two things. Two mythical knights from the Republic of Cheesistain.


Phone calls were made, to find out that the wrong number was dialled. Which was followed by…


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