Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
What do you get when a tornado picks up a snake, a lion, a horse and an eagle?
One of two things. The first is a confused and disturbed snake, lion, horse and an eagle, and the second is the outcome from all four colliding. This produces a creature which doesn’t really have a name, therefore … are just called … uh … flying beast things … uh yeah.
The flying beast thing … is well … um. Odd. It has three snake heads … the fore body of a lion … rear of a horse and eagle wings. For obvious reasons these happen all the time because the four animals all live in the same eco system and the predator prey relationships that exist between them. Well maybe if the tornado happened to pass over a zoo (in Kansas maybe?) that didn’t evacuate its animals to a safe location.
This tale is about one of these creatures who lives on a mountain on one of the islands near the Bermuda triangle (known for its tornados … and zoos‽). His name is … umm … Davy‽ Davy had no friends (except a coconut with a face drawn on its shell, his name was Karl), as he lived alone on his island and only ate fish and bananas.
Davy was always curious about the ships that were passing in the distance. He thought of the adventures that they must take to travel the seas, and why they are traveling the seas. However time passed and loneliness took its toll. A darkness began to over whelm. The darkness urged him to take flight and curse the world for abandoning him on the desolate island.
Each day that passed the more the urge increased to move to the ships and attack them for ignoring him regardless of how much he tried to get their attention. He grew angry and developed plans after plan. Until finally he create a plan. A plan to rule them all. A plan to find them all. A plan to bring them all and in the darkness bind them all.
The day came. The day where he would make his first move, a move to attack a ship. He took flight. With an unnatural swiftness he staked the boat, and pounced. Attacking everyone on sight, and sent the ship to the abyss. For each ship that passed, it to confronted the same fate.
Sailor started to nickname the creature Davy Jones or the Kraken, and created a realm where his victims ended; this was called Davy Jones’ locker. For thousand years sailors fear the waters near an around Bermuda.
Meanwhile on the west coast of the USA a pair of intnetertainers, where hosting an morning show on the internet.
“Davy Jones and the Kraken.” Rhett stated
“Let’s talk about that” said Link
The Good Mythical Morning theme plays.
“Good …” Rhett sang.
“Mythical Morning” Link finished “Today we are going to learn about Davy Jones and, Kraken!”
“To help us learn we when to Bermuda to see if, we could find him”
“Or not”
Rhett and Link continue to discuss about the different myths regarding Davy and the Kraken.
Camera cuts back to the studio.
“Well we didn’t die” Rhett said excitedly
“In Good Mythical More we will talk about are quest which we shall embark” Link added
“You know what time it is…”
After they had finished filming Good Mythical More they started to prepare to start their trip to go slay the Kraken. The polished their armour, pack up equipment and banded together some of the mythical beasts including Randler and Belvedere, the wished good bye to their families and embarked on their quests. They sailed off to the dangerous seas Bermuda.
A few days passed, and nothing on the seas was irregular. Until they reached the boarders of the waters of the Bermuda triangle. Then the waters began to change, and the weather began to become stormy and hard to navigate.
“Look a little green Link” said Rhett
Link heaved and ran to the side of the boat and counted to heave.
For a few more hours The Mythical Crew attempted to navigate the stormy waters while Link attempted to keep his lunch down.
Eventually night fell and the weather began to calm, and all was silent.
“You are not welcome on thessse waterssss” hissed a voice “You ssshall die!”
“What about song y’all” Rhett replied.
There was no response.
Suddenly the boat there was a crash, as the boat began to be smash by something lurking in the dark. Bang! Bang! Bang! Parts of the deck went splintering into the air followed the shattering of the windows in the cabin showing glass over the Mythical Crew. Then all went silence. The crew waited nervously for a sound to give a sign that the monster could still be out there. There was nothing, then footsteps, which sounded like a mix of both paws and hooves. “I know you are in there, come out for you impending doom.” Hissed the voice.
“Uhh …, I’m going to say no, as I don’t like the sound of ‘impending doom’” replied Rhett.
Crash! The door exploded. Splinters covered the crew, as they dived to the floor to shield themselves.
In the door way stood the silhouette of a mythical creature, the shadow didn’t make any sense. There were head was composed of three snakes, the fore body looked like a lion and the rear was of a horse and the creature had wings or an eagle. The creature stepped forward and the head lunged at the crew catching Randler’s leg. Belvedere then let out a mighty Rawer. Which was followed be an epic cone of flames which engulfed the creature. The creature let out a terrifying screech. The creature pushed up its chest and spread its wings and the three head then fully extended and the spat flames over the Mythical Crew who were now hidden behind a metal table.
Link Stood up. Jumped over the table and drew his sword. He swung it at one of the necks, and with that mighty swing he decapitated on of the head sending tumbling to the floor. While the neck dance in pain. It split in two and each of the halves grew a head. Link jumped back over the table while shouting “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”
“You must need to curarize the head, man” Rhett said.
“With what?” Link replied
“Gentlemen I can breathe fire!” Belvedere added
Another burst of flames struck the desks. Rhett and Link drew swords. Jumped over then desk. Both struck the creature in separate necks beheading them. The through themselves to the floor. Belvedere then flew up. He let out a spout of flames soldering the dancing necks, which then dropped lifeless as if they were like hanging laundry.
The two remaining heads lead out an eruption of flames which cause the table glow white. Simultaneously Randler pulled him elf up. He jumped up. Thrusted his sword into the flames. Even though the blade was only in the flames for less than a second, the blade glowed white. He then swung the sword at the remaining necks. In one clean cut the heads fell to the floor with a thud. The body of the lifeless creature fell to the floor. The deck began to crack. The metal desk steamed. Rhett, Link and Belvedere then stood up. However Randler remained still on the ground.
Link rushed to his side. “Randler? No, please don’t die on us. Who else will be the mascot for the Kommunity?”
“I’m not dead you idiot”
“Why are you so still?”
“The venom causes paralysis”
“How’d you know that?”
“It bit me”
“Oh, are you okay?”
“Bright as daisies”
The Crew repaired the boat, and then sailed home. Once home, Rhett and Link then displayed the body on their internet show. Then from that day, they became mythical heroes in every land across the lands.
And that was the tale of when Link, Belvedere, Randler and myself, went to kill the mythical flying thing.
The End.
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