Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
There was a cave, this was a cave like every other in the twenty first century Scottish Highlands. Within the cave dwelled a beast made of shadow. A local village named this shadow Dea Loca, which translates to mean Shadow Serpent.
The people were scared by the shadow as it always came to the village in the cloak of the night and attempted to steal the children of the village (but never succeed due to the invention of the of the light switch and lightbulb).
The people of the decided to trap the shadow and end the night terror once and for all. They made a plan that involved a set of bag pipes, a chicken, a pizza chef and dynamite. However due to a sudden lack of bag pipes the plan was discarded, and a second plan was created, a plan of utter mythically! This plan only required two things. Two mythical knights from the Republic of Cheesistain.
Phone calls were made, to find out that the wrong number was dialled. Which was followed by emails and letters. Finally the knights of Cheesistain responded and agreed to help the small Scottish town, and created a plan to trap the shadow.
The knights arrived in the small Scottish town and where greeted by the villagers with cheers and a banquet with different mythical foods such as the Big Mac and cheese and Clearly Canadian. The two knights approached the major, the taller of the two (about 8 ft tall) “Hey, I’m Sir Rhett the Mountain” “and I am Sir Link the Nauseous”
“We have come to trap your mythical beast!” They sung in unison.
The rest of the day was spent eating and singing while Sir Rhett play guitar and Sir Link attempted to eat something without reaching, which was limited to the big mac and cheese.
Then night arrived, Sir Rhett and Sir Link had disguised themselves as children (very tall children, but children none the less). They were armed with a guitar, and a recorder.
The room was dark and still, and all that was heard was the scuttling of a mouse.
“Are you awake” Sir Rhett whispered,
“No” replied Sir Link
Suddenly there was a quite creak which echoed through the room, shivers were send shooting like lighting bolts down the spines of the mythical knights.
“Hey” said a high pitched voice.
“Umm, Hello” said Sir Link
“Please don’t turn on the light, I just want to make friends”
Sir Rhett and Sir Link sat up. Pick up there instruments and began to play a song.
“This one is entitled, The Hair Song” They said in unison.
And they sang and filled the shadow with wonderment, and the more they sang, the happier the shadow became. However as the shadow became merry something strange began to happen.
The shadow took physical form! In the place of the shadow was a small black snake with emerald green eyes.
“Thank-you brave knights” the serpent hissed.
“Anything for the mythical beasts of the lands” Sir Rhett replied.
And from that day Dea Loca befriended the people of the town and protected them at night from nightmares and other evils (such as liver popsicles and pigs blood tacos) and became one of the Mythical Beast who help Sir Rhett and Sir Link to protect the people of the mythical lands until the ends of time.
The End.
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