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Patches the Invisible Cat - Mythical Tales

There once was a cat. She was grey with brown patches upon her fur, and had hazel eyes and a large patch over her right eye, and received the name patches. She lived in a small town in North Carolina called Buies Creek.

Patches was a Cat like most others; she liked to sleep and to adventure the local woodland as well as getting up to mischief. However on one hot North Carolinian summers day, Patches was hunting birds and slowly began to get very hot a tired, and decided to find something to drink. So off Patches when to find a drink.

She came across a small shop which was having different foods and drinks being delivered. She noticed that some cases where being delivered. Within these cases where tear shaped bottles that glistened in the sunlight. On the labels of the bottles “Clearly Canadian” (not a sponsor) stared at Patches and gave her a sense of longing for the cool refreshing taste of the drink (again not a sponsor).

She devised a plan to steal some of the beverage. The plan was simple. As the driver goes into the shop to take in another case of something, she would jump in the van and steal a bottle. So she waited for a few moments until the driver when into the store and pounced into the van and stole a bottle which was loose from its case and dragged it out of the van and took it back to the woods.

However there was one thing she forgot to plan. This was how to open the bottle.

She sighed, tried to open the bottle with her paws and thought “Only if I had apposable thumbs”.

Suddenly there was a flash, and a lightning bolt struck the bottle. Which sent a surge of energy thought Patches. Her paws began to feel a throbbing pain. Once the light faded all was still and calm, the pain was also gone. However something was different. She could now use her thumbs to open the bottle (which was untouched from the lightning), she then opened the bottle and drank the cool liquid. After her drink she made her way home. After the short walk she arrived. When through her cat flap and when to her bed to sleep.

She dreamed of going on adventures with a cockatrice called Belvidere, to explore and save the bizarre lands of England to fight the evils of the land such as marmite. However her sweet dreams where disturbed by the calling of her owner “Patches, dinner time!” so patches stretched and hobbled over to the kitchen where her owner was making her dinner. “Meow!” patches said hungrily and rubbed her cheek on her owner’s leg. Her owner look down to see nothing.
“Where are you?”
“Umm, have you got stuck in the cupboard again” her owner questioned as she looked in the cupboard.
“Meow” Patches replied.
“Where are you Patches?” her owner said with annoyance and worry.
“Meow” Patches answered while nudged her owner.
Her owner stretched out her hand to where the nudging came from, and she felt Patches.
“What happened to you” she melancholy said.

Then there was a flash and dramatic music started to play (just imagine the Flash Gordon theme tune), and there stood a proud cockatrice. “I am Belvidere, and I have been sent to help you Patches control your gift!” He said with a powerful voice.
Belvidere then conjured a pair of boots and a cavalier hat, and said “Patches when you no longer which to be invisible wear these enchanted items and you shall be seen and be given the gift of speech.”
Patches equipped the boots and hat and no longer was invisible “I shall use my power of invisibility to help people who need helping in Buies Creek” Patches said with a strong Spanish accent.
“I like you boots” Belvidere and patches owner said in unison.

From that day, and Patches the Invisible cat went around Buies Creek saving children from dehydration and from exploring realms which would endanger their lives, as well as appearing in the occasional DreamWorks films to play Puss in Boots. And she live happy with her owner until the rest of her days.

The End.

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Comment by Dea Loca on October 4, 2015 at 11:14pm


Comment by Destiny Hanvey (invisible cat) on October 4, 2015 at 10:45pm

Thank you for this. You did a wonderful job. :)

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