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A lot of comedians make up their own funny songs. Most are stupid. They focus more on comedy rather than music quality. Which isn't bad, I mean they're comedians. That's the point.
But the thing about you guys is that your songs aren't JUST funny. They're genuinely good quality songs. Like, you know how I LOOOOOOOOVE the song "Hoover Dam"? Honestly, if it had serious/deep lyrics, it would probably be one of my favorite songs ever. It has such a catchy vocal pattern and melody. And your actual vocals on it are amazing. For real. Serious talent you guys have there.

I wonder, do you guys ever written songs that aren't comedic?
Would you ever be willing to record a "serious song" and release it?
Although I doubt you would, just because comedy is your job and people like the funny stuff, I'd buy it (:

Well, if Rhett gave me money again...Just kidding.

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You don't think Hoover Dam is "serious/deep" ? I thought it was the answer to your question...?
thoughts, anyone, everyone?
Ha, ha.
Well THE Hoover Dam is deep...The song? Uh...perhaps. It depends how you look at it.
FINE, Link.
Hoover Dam IS one of my favorite songs ever ;)

I guess I should rephrase the question. Do/have either of you guys ever write/written songs that aren't/weren't for "Rhett & Link"? Songs not intended to be funny at all?
We wrote some serious songs in high school. We're hoping that no one ever uncovers those. Not because they're serious...just because they're BAD.

We love making music, and sometimes we have to remind ourselves throughout the writing of a song that we're comedians, because we often get overly focused on the music, melody, and harmonies.

Serious music wouldn't be very strategic for us right now, though, because there are a LOT of people who can make great music, but we feel like there are fewer people who can make music that is both genuinely good and funny.

But that doesn't rule it out for the future. I think I speak for both of us when I say that I wouldn't be surprised if we released an album that focused more on music without feeling a need to always have a comedic angle or punch line.
Very nice response, Rhett. Thank you for taking this seriously. Haha.
I totally understand the whole thing about how it wouldn't be strategic. That's sort of what I was getting at, but was curious about the song writing that we don't get to hear, especially after listening to Hoover Dam. Once again, one of my favorite songs, as far as music is concerned, ever. I also empathize with having written songs in your past that you hope no one ever hears. Mine are probably worse, though, seeing as I was only in 4th grade when I wrote them (:

And perhaps you feel you get overly focused on the music, but it really is worth it (unless you feel it takes up too much time, which I get). There ARE few people who can make music that's genuinely good and funny (that don't just parody other people's songs).
Actually, I only know of two (:
I agree with Raquel. The Hoover Dam is also my favorite Rhett and Link song. And I also wish they would put out a serious album because they really are very talented. But at this time anyway I agree with what Rhett is saying. I don't think many people would take them seriously if they were...serious. Partly because we're used to laughing with everything they do so we'd probably be waiting for the punch line, if not subconsciously.

I have a long list of why I'm a big fan of these guys. But two of the biggest reasons are I appreciate all the work they put into the content they create, and they each have amazing character.
"I don't think many people would take them seriously if they were...serious. Partly because we're used to laughing with everything they do so we'd probably be waiting for the punch line, if not subconsciously."

we showed our Locklear movie trailer to ppl right after we edited it and got that reaction--ppl laughing at stuff we didn't intend to be funny. can't wait for you to see the movie (in August) and tell us what you think!
Agree with everything brought up above, and in my opinion, a serious album could be a success. I think you and Rhett have the potential to be more then just the guys on YouTube who make fun of Facebook and guacamole through song, but serious, professional musicians.

(Also, speaking of Locklear, any plans to release it on DVD? I'd love to take a look at it.)
"I don't think many people would take them seriously if they were...serious. Partly because we're used to laughing with everything they do so we'd probably be waiting for the punch line, if not subconsciously."

Well said Peter, I'd agree with him and Raquel. I know that if they released a "serious" album, I would still be looking for something funny within the songs (just out of habit). It would take getting used to listening to Rhett and Link singing "seriously", but I think that over time, I would start to enjoy it.

And I'd also have to agree with all of you about "The Hoover Dam". As far as the music and melody goes, it does have a more serious feel than any other song that R&L have done. And I like that. I think it would be interesting to hear R&L do more "serious" music.
But here's the question, Cephas--does it require more talent to write funny lyrics, thoughtful lyrics, or poetic lyrics?
Well if you want my unexperienced answer, I would guess funny lyrics require the most talent. In most cases, what's funny to the writer isn't so funny for the general public. But you guys (albeit sometimes with the help of your fans) are able to come up with gold every time.

Were you just fishing for a compliment?

BTW - thanks again for MY song! It's neat.
The Hoover Dam song reminds me of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song. :D And it is sort of serious...depending perhaps on your sense of humor.


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