
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)
  • Male
  • Lake Stevens, WA
  • United States
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Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)'s Friends

  • Izzy (Azeekla)
  • Kat (The Banshee)
  • Caitríona (An Púca)
  • Christina (Foresti)
  • Chantel (the wild jackabee)
  • Leon (QuagmireMole)
  • Paul Cooley
  • Philip (Groffgryphon) Austin
  • Brooke Dukes (BandonRandon)
  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto
  • Mark Dykstra(the giant dragon)
  • Eric Fredrickson
  • AceRadiation
  • Lil' Robin (Kyler)

Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)'s Page

Hi, I'm Peter and I think I'm late to the party. I'm probably more well known here by my online name cephas76.

I live in Lake Stevens, WA (a little north of Seattle) and I have a beautiful wife (DeDe) and two crazy boys (Tommy 5, Jesse 2).

I have been a Rhett and Link fan since January, 2008. I had just signed up for facebook and I was watching Penn Masala's facebook stalker video. On the related videos bar I saw the facebook song so I clicked and have been hooked ever since.

I feel a strong connection to Rhett and Link for a number of reasons. I'm a guy. I'm about their same age. I have kids about their kids' age. I'm a Christian and I see the importance of Christian (or at least family-friendly) content online. And I recently took a big risk in starting a business so I understand the pressures and stress they have gone through.

Close to two years ago, my wife and I started a day spa business. It had been doing very well until last fall when a major employer in our area went on strike. Then shortly after that, the economy went down the pooper. We had to close our doors in November of last year. Since then I have been working part time as an I.T. admin at an electrical company. On my days off, I take care of our boys and try to get the house all cleaned up by the time mommy gets home. Yep, I'm Mr. Mom.

I probably never will be good at keeping in touch with people online. But since I started following Rhett and Link and their endeavors, I have had a lot of fun getting to know so many of you guys and gals. I hope this kommunity site brings us all closer together cause you all are awesome!

Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)'s Blog

Kommunity Update #14 - August 27

Posted on August 27, 2009 at 11:45am 4 Comments

Hey everbody, Peter Heggem here with Kommunity Update #14!

If you haven't submitted your entry for this summer's CBE yet, of if you have no idea what a CBE is, click here to see the instructions, entries and all other hoopla surrounding the Kommunity Building Exercise.

Do you like to dance? Would you like to be involved in a kommunity… Continue

Comment Wall (59 comments)

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At 1:13am on February 17, 2011, harpie said…

I like your profile pic!

At 3:33pm on December 23, 2010,
At 6:24pm on November 26, 2010, Cee ( The Platysombat) said…
Love the name marsh wiggle and the Shamwow profile Pic..... Its one of my favorite Rhett and Link videos. Just wanna give a Hello shout out to a fellow mythical beast
I'm platypus + wombat= Platysombat

At 5:15pm on March 1, 2010, Caitríona (An Púca) said…
Nice! Your marsh-wiggle!
I read the narnia books :-)
At 6:00pm on January 24, 2010, DantheMontageMan (Black Wing) said…
Dear the almighty Cephas76,
I havent talked to ya in a long time...
how are ya? Hope alls good.
At 3:53pm on January 14, 2010, Claire (Flying Penguin) said…
Hehehe you as a gloomy and pessimistic character? Somehow I don't see that happening much, especially since you look so happy with that Shamwow in your pic.
At 10:37pm on January 9, 2010, Philip (Groffgryphon) Austin said…
When I saw the Marsh-Wiggle name, I had to comment! I have loved the Narnia stories, read them to my kids (now in their 20's) before they could read, and have delighted in the TV and movie theater versions, especially the ones closest to the story. I think the BBC did excellent casting when they picked Tom Baker (of Dr. Who fame) for Puddleglum.
I am sorry to hear of your business setback, but rejoice that you know Jesus, and that He is faithful, never leaves us nor forsakes us, and loves us with a greater love than we could ever have for ourselves. God bless you, brother!
At 10:42pm on January 7, 2010, Claire (Flying Penguin) said…
incidentally what is a a marsh wiggle? is it like a marshmallow and a worm?
At 10:41pm on January 07, 2010, Claire (Flying Penguin) gave Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle) a gift
At 6:12pm on October 22, 2009, Amaryllis (The Flying Unicorn) said…
Cool. ^-^

Dallas is awesome right now! The weather is rotating between sunny and cool, super cold, really really rainy, and hot and humid. Each day is a mystery lol. But I like it, especially compared to Florida at this time which is basically just HOT.

And my classes are really great, too. Oh, and CFNI is having the Alumni Conference this week, so I'm meeting a bunch of cool people! But I'm mostly excited about the summer outreaches that they announced on Monday. I'm gonna try and go to Bermuda. =)

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