
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Raquel TW-Jackalope.
  • Female
  • Miami, FL
  • United States
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Raquel TW-Jackalope.'s Friends

  • Cherylyn [Electroluminescence]
  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto
  • LaurenS14 (TwinklingBeatle)
  • Emily (The Rainbow Squirrel)
  • Jessica Fortner (unicorn)
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞
  • Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)
  • John  E (The Rock-Eating Monkey)
  • Shane Adams
  • Nate Rod(Urgal)
  • Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat)
  • DantheMontageMan (Black Wing)
  • Tasha (Mock Turtle)
  • The Stinger


Don't Stop Believing
  • 1.
    Don't Stop Believing

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It's probably about time I write something here, eh?

Well, I'm very hard to describe, I guess. I'm Raquel. I'm a mere 16 years old.
I love Jesus. He's the reason why I live. I'm not a perfect Christian and am far from one, but I strive to better myself every day. I love deep, intellectual conversation. I enjoy studying the Bible and theology. I am the kind of person that analyzes things like crazy, probably too much sometimes. But on the opposite side of the spectrum is my light-hearted side. I enjoy sarcasm, which can come off as mean sometimes. However, rest assure that if I seem to be "insulting" you, it's not serious. It just means I've become comfortable with you, which happens fairly quickly. I'm a very gregarious person. I try not to judge. I'll talk to anyone, pretty much. Just say "hey" and I'm sure to respond.

Most people who know me know about my obsession with all things online. I'm part of almost every social networking site that exists. You can find me anywhere! I'm really into blogging and blog here. Basically I do most of my socializing online, mostly because I don't travel often, although I would LOVE to travel. I love people from different states. Especially the Midwest. I have an odd fascination with that region of the country. I'd rather go to the Midwest than any other place in the world, it's true! I like to pretend I'm an "all-American", but I'm actually 100% Hispanic! I was born in Venezuela and speak Spanish, sort of. I'm definitely an American at heart so some of it has worn off, for lack of a better term. Hehe.

I want to study graphic design when I get to college. I'm not very good yet, but luckily some people think I have some talent somewhere! ["whether it be in acting or singing..." just kidding] I actually made Link's Twitter/Kommunity avatar and made one for Rhett too, as well as for other friends here. You can see those on my Flickr page as well as edited pictures I make for fun (:

I guess that's it. Anything else you wanna know? Just talk to me.

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At 5:21am on January 29, 2011,

The results of the 2010 IKC Challenge have been posted on my blog.

Thanks for attending!

At 9:01am on December 29, 2010, Eddie (Jedi Monk) said…
Did you know that Rhett and link are making songs about different books of the Bible for Phil Vischer's new DVD series called What's in the Bible. (Phil is the guy who created Veggie Tales) the videos are on YouTube. Look ip the fabulous bently brothers.
At 4:12pm on October 3, 2010, ŽaltysEglė said…
At 5:54pm on January 24, 2010, DantheMontageMan (Black Wing) said…
Hey Raquel! Thought I'd drop you a line on the Kommunity, I haven't been very active on this thing, but I plan on changing that. ^_^
At 1:47pm on October 9, 2009, ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞ said…
At 10:24pm on September 3, 2009, Rachelle Mendola (Sarimanok) said…
Congrats! Nice job with the guitar!
At 10:24pm on September 3, 2009, Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious) said…
Congrats to you and your sister!
At 12:11pm on September 3, 2009, Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious) said…
Hey Raquel, props to your sister on that song. Was that you on the guitar? Great job!
At 12:23pm on August 2, 2009, Edlives (Dragon) said…
Welcome to the Kommunity!
At 7:13pm on July 2, 2009, Jessica Fortner (unicorn) said…
wow, we are very similiar. i'm also 16 and love Jesus! that's so cool that you write music for revelife, how did you get to do that?


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