Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
Camila Peñuela (tree spirit) has not received any gifts yet
Posted on May 10, 2012 at 1:02pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Ok. Here's the deal. There's this I.T project I must turn in really soon and it involves the design of a campaign poster and the use of another media of my choice. It's about cell phone disposal/recycling. I'm struggling with the poster design...I need to know where to start: what would you be interested in seeing in a 1/8 piece of cardboard hanging up on the bullentin board in your school as a campaign poster? I just need ideas...I know you mythical beasts have some peculiar ones. I'm…
ContinuePosted on April 11, 2012 at 7:48pm 4 Comments 0 Likes
Hello there. You might be wondering what this post is all about. You may be wondering who I am. You might be wondering if you should eat that sandwich your mother carefully put at the entrance of your bedroom two weeks ago (you noticed the smell eventually. Besides: who wants sandwiches to go to waste? you don't). You may be wondering a lot of things. Let me just say this to clarify some of the wonders of the likes of movie audiences. Peeta is waaaaay better than Gale. You know...as an oddly…
ContinuePosted on March 26, 2012 at 11:23pm 3 Comments 0 Likes
Hello, earthlings who might stumble upon my page (because no mythical beast will check it out just yet due to its lack of awesomeness, which shall be fixed soon!). This is the start of a legend, who is to be called...um...Camila. But you can call me CAZAM! Ok. I just invented that. Nobody calls me that. Just call me by my name (I plan on changing it). So...it's a school night. I ditched the plan gym with my friends (you really thought blogging was my original plan?), because I had just…
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K-ModGumbo123 said…
Welcome to the Kommunity! here's a little tour guide that may help you on the way . . . Rhett & Link 101
Hey welcome =D We've been waiting for you to come join us! I'm the Go{j}ofankey and I've come to welcome you for I am a Mythically Beastly. If your not quite sure yet what a mythical beast is do not fear you can watch the "Ten Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast" HERE