
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hello there. You might be wondering what this post is all about. You may be wondering who I am. You might be wondering if you should eat that sandwich your mother carefully put at the entrance of your bedroom two weeks ago (you noticed the smell eventually. Besides: who wants sandwiches to go to waste? you don't). You may be wondering a lot of things. Let me just say this to clarify some of the wonders of the likes of movie audiences. Peeta is waaaaay better than Gale. You know...as an oddly familiar odd type of boyfriend. There, there. It's the truth. 

Now, while you wipe your tears out of the way with some of the organic garlic-scented toilet paper you have in your bathroom (and only in yours. [You prioritize your butt and vampire necessities and issues]), I'll demonstrate with irrefutable proof. Ha-ha. And you thought twihards were finally gonners and that you'd be free of triangle-ish love and finally be able to enjoy that hollywoodesque sunset with Jim Parsons that's always transitting your mind without someone pale going "That's right. I sparkle". WRONG!


...and you just got Venned! Well I can say it's a triumph! (I beat my computer's firewall to download the Venn diagram program!)

You might want to change that to extra garlic. With a customized monogram of "fiction love stories my a55!". 

It's not that I hate fiction love stories. It's just that some books have made the concept implode in the effort of finding a perfect story. Then again, I'm only judging by the movies. But aren't they based off the books? And while it's true that a movie runs by itself and shouldn't be used to judge the books it is based on as frequently as should the books that represent its fundaments be judged for what they stand for alone, the movie should be at the least as inspiring as my friends make me believe the books are. Yeah, I haven't read the book. Yeah, maybe I was meant to read the book first and then allow the movie's visual magic to complement my knowledge of the story by the book. But, still.

Well, today, while I was here at the park, where internet conection is public, yet completely fast and I can even dare say this, better than the one at any home, I stumbled upon a video I had no idea existed: please, enjoy the awesomeness of this epic rap battle:


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Comment by Camila Peñuela (tree spirit) on April 18, 2012 at 10:47pm

Oh and Trevor: believe me. I've seen every rap battle there is to the last minute. My brother and I sing along to them every now and then, usually during lunch when everybody seems engrossed in the news, (even me). I'ts great because my parents don't know any English. Well, my father knows all the "palabras sucias" that he says makes us seem like truckers, but when we rappin' we ain't zappin' (you know, dirty words.)

I like how Epic Loyd does Hitler. 

Comment by Camila Peñuela (tree spirit) on April 18, 2012 at 10:39pm

Thank you. Thank you very much. :)

Comment by Aimée (Queen of the Amazon) on April 18, 2012 at 12:08am

You're hilarious :) I really liked reading this. Your writing style is great.

Comment by Trevor Patrick Cash on April 14, 2012 at 1:14am

You need to see the rest of the epic rap battles lol

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