
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Additional discussion pages are added for

new countries and regions as requested.

If you can host and attend an international meet-up in an area not already listed above, leave your request here and we will add a discussion page for that part of the world. 

Thanks to Marcus Bean for the MC-2014 International banner.

Views: 1630

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I think that a Canada one might require more planning and earlier planning since it's international. I've linked this in "Kanadians, Eh!".

There are a lot of Beasts in the USA but Canada is pretty beastly as well. Maybe even MULTIPLE meetups, considering Canada is pretty large.

Outside of the USA, there are probably more kommunity members in the UK than any other country . . . 

ENGLAND - - -> SCOTLAND - - -> N. IRELAND - - ->

I think there's even a few on the Isle of Man

Who's going to step up and host a meet up?

im from N.I. I would love a meet up

Post a comment in the NI Mythicon page if you're interested in attending!


Canadians... specifically Ontario based Canadians, let me know where you are! Let's get this meet up planned!

If you can host and attend an international meet-up in any country, leave your info here and I will add an appropriate discussion thread for your location. 

Thanks to Marcus for the MC-2014 International banner below . . .

After a couple of test runs, I determined that the best method to accommodate MythiCon 2014 meeting locations outside the USA is by creating a seperate page for each country / region / province. Here is the listing, starting out with the four Canadian Provinces that are most likely to host an event . . .

MythiCon 2014 ~ International Meeting Pages

I guess I could organise some sort of Victorian aka Melbourne based event as part of Mythicon 2014 :)

Thanks, Lucas! your MythiCon Victoria (AUS) discussion page is now settup at:

MythiCon 2014 ~ Victoria, AUS

Let me know when you have decided on a meeting site location and I will update some details and add it to the interactive mapping tool.

Broken link correction:

Does anyone know if they're coming to Australia...?
and if so, where in?

wait, nevermind


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