
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

MC-2014 ~ Germany

Location:       Berlin, Germany and Schleswig-Holstein

Address:        details coming soon

Website:        details coming soon

Your Host:     Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel) and  Anna-Magdalena


You need to be a member of MythiCon 2014 ~ Be There!!! to add comments!

Comment by Anna-Magdalena on July 21, 2014 at 9:43am

heyyyy, the event was great :) the weather was awesome and the musicians and audience so friendly. I was happy with my playing end everybody seemed to enjoy it as well. Sticking around for the session was the best part of the evening and I didn't get much sleep that night :D

Gumbo, I think Rhett and Link should bring out a song book, so I can learn to play their tunes on the guitar, it would be fun playing them at the next MythiCon ;)

I saw your R&L monopoly featured in one of the GMMore episodes, really neat! :)

Thank you for posting the link to the website, I didn't even know they had one :D Lots of pictures were taken, so they should be posted there, hopefully soon.

Take care and have a great week,


Comment by Gumbo123 on July 19, 2014 at 7:05am


Go Anna-Magdelana!  play that accordian to your mythical best . . . maybe slip a little bit of "Rub Some Bacon On It" or some  "I Am A Thoughtful Guy" into the folk music mix just to see if anyone notices.


Comment by Gumbo123 on July 19, 2014 at 7:00am

Go Anna-Magdelana!  play that accordian to your mythical best . . . maybe slip a little bit of "Rub Some Bacon On It" or some  "I Am A Thoughtful Guy" into the folk music mix just to see if anyone notices.

Comment by Anna-Magdalena on July 19, 2014 at 5:55am

Sorry folks, folkies and mythical beasts, with temperatures reaching up to 32 C I'll definitely be wearing a lighter shirt to the MythiCon. But I would be surprised to see a fellow R&L fan there anyway ;) If, against all odds, you still decide to show up in Treia, you'll either have to recognize me by my picture or look for the woman playing the solo accordion.

Come and talk to me :)

And to everybody else, enjoy  your Saturday!


Comment by Anna-Magdalena on July 9, 2014 at 1:22pm

;) I will be happy to keep you posted about the Mythical Folk Festival.

If anybody else wants to spontaneously join up, it's an event for everybody, the address is as follows:

Nedderwatt 25a
24896 Treia

and here are some directions:

Autobahn A7 Abfahrt Schuby in Richtung Husum

Die Ortschaften Schuby und Silberstedt werden durchfahren.
Im Ort Treia vor dem Gasthof Osterkrug nach rechts in Richtung Esperstoft
abbiegen und dem Verlauf der Straße ca. 3 Kilometer tapfer folgen. Hinter einer
leichten Linkskurve steht auf der linken Straßenseite dann ein Schild:
Folk op Nedderwatt
Links auf den Bauernhof abbiegen und im markierten Bereich parken.

Program starts at 19:00, there will be singing, dancing, some bands (and little me playing the accordion somewhere in between).

I would be happy to see some fellow mythical beasts there - it will be easy to find me, I'm usually right in the middle :D

take care everybody and thank you for your support Gumbo!


Comment by Gumbo123 on July 2, 2014 at 10:46am

Congrats on the folk festival invite! Sounds like this is something you will enjoy.

If are your friends & family that were going to meet with you at the Schleswig-Holstein area MythiCon event will now be there at the festival to support you and enjoy the time, just call that your MythiCon meeting place and invite everyone you contact that day to become mythical beasts and Rhett & Link fans, which I'm certain is something that you already do on a routine basis, right?

Please post up some pics and a video of your performance.  Would love to see just how awesome the world's first German Folk Mythicon Festival turns out to be!

Comment by Anna-Magdalena on July 2, 2014 at 9:29am

Sorry Gumbo ;)

I will now instead be playing the accordion at a folk festival, and I am really excited for it :) Weather permitting I can wear my Rhett & Link Shirt and start  a FolkMythiCon 2014 :D

take care,


Comment by Clara Hoffie on June 28, 2014 at 5:04am

Is there still the idea of meeting in Berlin or ... ?

Comment by Gumbo123 on June 20, 2014 at 1:21pm

@ Anna-Magdalena ~ get ready for the pep talk:

Don't give up so easily!  take the advice that I gave to NuriSa (flying-lionturtle) about her attempts to coordinate a MythiCon meeting for Argentina . . .


I tell you what . . . for your efforts, I'm going to set up an Argentina page on the international MythiCon site anyways.  I will put the site temporarily as "Somewhere in San Juan" . . . all you have to do is let me know where you and at least one other mythical friend (sure you have at least one buddy) will be for lunch that day and I will add it to the mapping list also.

You should also wear your MythiCon Host badge proudly as  the MOST MYTHICAL BEAST IN ALL OF ARGENTINA!!!

NuriSa was attempting to only gather folks from the R&L kommunity pages and for a meeting in Buenos Aires, the capital at least 12 hours drive from her home town of San Juan. 

But remember that just last year the original idea for MythiCon was 14-year old K-La V and her three buddies going to the mall on a Saturday to hang out.  If they could do it, why not other mythical beasts and let's call it "MYTHICON"?


I am certain that you know at least one or two friends who will get together with you to enjoy a meal and good fellowship someplace in Schleswig-Holstein  . . . and you might just convert them (and other interested onlookers) over to the ways of MYTHICAL BEASTLINESS in the process!

Comment by Anna-Magdalena on June 20, 2014 at 8:09am

It seems like nobody wants to meet  up for MythiCon in Germany.

I tried ;)

Goodbye then,


Comment by Anna-Magdalena on June 12, 2014 at 5:11pm

I'm signing off for a good week (vacation here I come!), I hope a couple of people who I contacted will find there way here.

It would be nice to see a few responses when I come back from my vacation ;)

take care,


Comment by Anna-Magdalena on June 9, 2014 at 4:55pm

wow, the bing translation isn't bad at all ;)

That's interesting, I thought I tried searching for Hamburg in the members tab, but didn't have any luck. But now, second time around, it works. I guess I just messed up somewhere before... I think I can try contacting those people who list Hamburg (and a couple of other bigger cities near Hamburg) as their hometown. Should I just direct them to this page? I think we should see if there is a general interest. Maybe we can find somebody with better networking skills to take over.

For today I'm signing off though,

take care!


Comment by Gumbo V2.0 on June 9, 2014 at 1:54pm

@ Anna - - if you decide to proceed, use the MEMBERS tab and search for city names in your region to find you neighboring kommunity members.  For instance, 25 mythical beasts list HAMBURG as their home town . . . http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profiles/members/?q=hamburg




Comment by Anna-Magdalena on June 9, 2014 at 12:44pm

hm, nachdem ich mich nun ein Weilchen umgesehen habe muss ich feststellen dass es scheinbar keine gesonderte Gruppe für Fans aus Deutschland gibt, bloß Rhett&Link Fans International, richtig? Das ist doch recht hinderlich wenn man versucht etwas auf die Beine zu stellen. Und dann auch noch bis zum Juli? Dazwischen hab ich auch noch einen Urlaub im Ausland geplant. Also es tut mir echt Leid das zu sagen, aber so schnell bin ich nicht von Null auf Hundert. Das sollte wohl jemand machen der besser vernetzt ist, sich hier schon länger aufhält oder zumindest bei Facebook ist (sorry, das kann ich beim besten Willen nicht bieten).

Wenn ich das alles übrigens auf Englisch wiederholen soll Gumbo, dann musst du mir Bescheid sagen ;)



Comment by Gumbo123 on June 9, 2014 at 12:06pm

@ Anna - - here are the help discussion threads for MythiCon Hosts.

Sorry, but I don't have any versions readily available in Deutsch at this thime.

What in the wide, wide world of sports is MythiCon?

How to Become a MythiCon Meeting Site Host

MythiCon 2014 - - - Sharing Place for Tips & Ideas

Comment by Anna-Magdalena on June 9, 2014 at 11:56am

Huch, so schnelle Antworten ;) erstmal Danke für die freundliche Aufnahme ihr Lieben! Der Rhett&Linkommunity hab ich mich grad heute erst angeschlossen und bin noch so grün hinter den Ohren (passenderweise). Ich weiss gar nicht, was muss ich denn machen als host? wie geht das? Hamburg ist eine tolle Stadt, vielleicht haben ja einige Leute Lust drauf?

Comment by Gumbo123 on June 9, 2014 at 11:03am

@ Anna & Maya - - if you are interested, there can be multiple meetings in Germany just like there are in the US, Canada and England.  Maya will not be available in Berlin on July 19th, so still looking for a replace ment host.  If Anna wants to gather her mythical friends in Schleswig-Holstein that would be great also. 

Let me know if you want that location added to the discussion header.


Berliners need to step up and speak up if they want a MythiCon!!!

Comment by Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel) on June 9, 2014 at 9:48am

Danke Anna,
aber weil ich sebst auch nicht in Berlin sein werde, koenntest du dir vorstellen statt dessen Mythicon in Schleswig-Holstein zu hosten? Vielleicht kommen ja einige lieber dort hin.

Comment by Anna-Magdalena on June 9, 2014 at 5:27am

Find ich schade, aber ich muss zugeben dass sich auch für mich die Reise nach Berlin für einen Nachmittag nicht lohnt. Deutschland ist zwar kleiner als die USA aber eben auch nicht winzig ;)

Liebe Grüße trotzdem von einem riesengroßen Rhett&Link Fan aus Schleswig-Holstein. Ich drück Dir die Daumen dass sich vielleicht noch ein paar Leute finden!


Comment by Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel) on June 5, 2014 at 9:36am

Well, since nobody even wants to come and there is still no host, German Mythicon will have to be cancelled.

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