
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I'm not sure if this will be allowed to stay or will be deleted but I've just watched the latest episode on Vessel (fan mail Thursday episode) and I'm a little bit upset, so much so I made an account here just to write this message.

I joined in with the community project for Link's birthday after seeing it trending on tumblr. I thought it was an amazing idea and sent my entry the same day. I  was convinced that Link would of been so happy and proud of the gift it would of been featured on a video, at the very least I expected a mention on one of his social media. But so far I'm sad that this has not been the case. Maybe I am being too quick to write this but as a long term Rhett and Link 'beast' this just confirms for me that they are done with fans in general. I never joined here before as they seemed to shift all their interest to facebook and twitter which are not even ran and managed by them, I cannot remember the last time the community was mentioned on a video. poor fans getting excited when their posts are reposted by crew thinking it's Rhett and Link themselves. Running a company is time consuming I admit but to me it just feels like it has gone all corporate and sponser sponser sponser and they have forgot the most important people.
I could not wait to see the end result of all the hard work the creator of this project did. I searched a few websites and looked at the cost and was shocked with how expensive it is to do what he/she did with having a custom book printed. All beasts who joined in with this should be proud and should hold their heads high at joining in for something that we think is amazing and specia

I apologise but this is just my thoughts.

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I could be wrong but sometimes it might take weeks before they open certain stuff.  I am hoping in the coming weeks they will open way more. I think the 700 video gmmore they were pooped. We can just wait and hope! I sent stuff to also for his birthday and I added to the book.  I am totally a stalker >,>

Link's Birthday book was this week's #FanArtFriday feature on Instagram, too.


I was going to post it if it was not on here. yay. 

Hi all, Link posted a video about the book. Check out his blog here: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profiles/blogs/birthday-thanks

Saves me making one ;)

(joking- I know people wanted more detail into what went in so bare with me and I'll dig out the proof over next day or two)

It's nice of Link to do so thanks from me again to everyone who took part

(Copy paste of what I said in other thread-lazy me)

I'm super happy Link did this but I also feel so guilty that we/I may have guilted him into going out of his way to make the video.

Mods: Do you think we should delete this thread?

You're okay to keep the thread up! You got some good feedback on people's thoughts and opinions, which are all valid and nothing to feel guilty about. If you gave him a little nudge, then I'm sure it didn't hurt. :)

Thanks again for your thoughts, Jenni, and we hope we'll continue seeing you around the Kommunity!

Link responded about the book.

Old discussion thread closed and moved to storage




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