
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Carol (Aelrindyl)
  • Female
  • Durham
  • United Kingdom
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Carol (Aelrindyl)'s Friends

  • Jade Kisner
  • Mia Hilt (winged deeraffe)
  • MightyRedJane79
  • Cerena Aguiniga
  • Grunge
  • Jennifer Walton
  • Amorette Mcgee
  • Sofia D
  • Shulk (Monado Wielder)
  • Emily White (uniaffe)
  • Ava Chau
  • Coal Diamond
  • Heidi (The Karma Owl)
  • Amanda
  • Gracie miller

Gifts Received (3)


Carol (Aelrindyl)'s Page

Comment Wall (78 comments)

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At 11:21pm on April 8, 2016, Jaymie Nunnery (Jayameez Cat) said…

Hey Carol! Looks like we just missed each other! Glad to see you.

At 8:23pm on March 3, 2016, Kaleb (Zombtorataur) said…
Thank you very much for the comment. So how exactly do i get started on here? Lol
At 7:06pm on January 24, 2016, Kyle (Anthrimichael) said…
Carol! You're back! Hope you're feeling better:)
At 12:21pm on January 13, 2016, Farzana (Rukh) said…

Thank you!

At 5:26pm on December 29, 2015, Savannah said…


At 12:33am on December 18, 2015, Jaymie Nunnery (Jayameez Cat) said…

Just watched the video you published showing all of the KBE parts and I have to thank you once again for all of the hard work and dedication and TIME that you invested into that project. I know there were contributors, but to put all those together, hand write everything, roll up paper and clip it...phew! I am amazed! Thanks for helping us all to feel special by doing your best to let us all get in on it and be recognized. You are the best.

At 2:10pm on December 17, 2015, Brennan (Bonnacon) said…
Thank you for the comment, I understand now. I appreciate it. I do have the satisfaction from the thought they received my mail, even if I didn't get the proof by seeing it on the show.
At 7:28am on December 06, 2015, Aya Adib gave Carol (Aelrindyl) a gift
At 7:49am on December 6, 2015, Aya Adib said…
Now we are 87% to 13%
At 11:34pm on December 1, 2015, Heather S. (YogaGhost) said…

I just came here to say that you are amazing for all the hard work you do for the Kommunity and especially for Rhett & Link. I feel some serious Mythical Connections whenever people come here or other social sites to legitimately discuss their favorite things about the guys & crew, or want to contribute to the site itself. It's amazing. And there are probably a ton more people out there who watch GMM and other R&L videos and never say a word, they just enjoy it. It's truly Mythical. :) 

Carol (Aelrindyl)'s Blog

The Internet is a Weird Place

Posted on July 2, 2015 at 7:00am 3 Comments

www.theinternetisaweirdplace.com is back! and Rhett & Link are wanting the help of Mythical Beasts!

Use this site to submit any weird sites you find for the chance of a shout-out on an episode of Good Mythical Morning!

Also as well as a shout-out, you could win an exclusive shirt…


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