
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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So can we talk about... How did they get freaking Daniel Radcliffe on the show?!

He's doing the PR circuit to promote the new movie (WHAT IF?) that debuts this week.  He's appeared on nearly every late night show, morning show, radio station and YouTube channel you can name in the past two weeks.




I've seen him show up on another YouTuber's channel as well to collaborate and promote his movie, and not a top-tier famous YouTuber either. He really is (was) getting around!

and in case you're wondering why he was at ComiCon . . . HORNS is another movie coming out in Oct-2014


Someone really did put a lot of effort into painting a recreation of the GMM studio background! I'm going to assume that part of the deal to work with Daniel was that R&L had to come to the YouTube headquarters, but it's still kind of odd that YouTube would rather paint an entire facsimile of the GMM studio rather than just have Daniel go to the real studio...

Daniel seemed like he was genuinely having a good time, so that was nice to see! I liked this episode. :)

I too was a bit puzzled that they'd get such a (fantastic) realistic painting done for this one-time thing. Perhaps there are plans to have a reasonable amount of episodes filmed at the YouTube Space in the future? In any event, nice job to whomever spent days painting that sheet!

Another fun fact that probably isn't really related to the YouTube headquarters: I noticed that when they zoomed out to show the big YouTube studio space, R&L's table had a draping around the bottom with the logo of The Mythical Show. I wonder, have they been using that table cover during GMMs as well and we've just never been able to see it? Or did they only bring it out again since they knew they'd be including a shot that would reveal the whole table?

Nice catch. The wood grain of the tabletop looks pretty similar to me, so I'm guessing that The Mythical Show desk is what's always used. Makes sense, since it's such a nice desk though it bears a logo that will likely never be used again. It's too bad that they were so excited about TMS and planning for it to be a reoccurring series, only to have it not quite work out as they were hoping.

How did it not work out as they were hoping?

My guess is the GMM/R&L Inc. paid for the new backdrop, and not the folks at YouTube.  Nice because now the backdrop, probably printed on a vinyl or canvas sheet, can be rolled and packed away to take on the road when they decide to do a remote show ala the BEST BBQ IN TEXAS episode.  With the exception of the studio lighting and camera settup, it's much like the printed backdrops that are used at many convention and trade show events.  I've had a couple made for various functions before, and they're really not that expensive to have made is you provide the sign company with the print-ready artwork.


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