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Would you rather be able to pick up ANY instrument, and instantly be able to play it. Or be able to produce one Apple* product a day.

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* - The brand Apple.

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1. Out of nothing
2. A few seconds
3. I meant playing without any mistakes
Sorry I forgot to mention that....

JonASON. (kraken) said:
It depends on the variables...
Produce one apple product a day out of the parts, or out of nothing?
how long would it take to make one. The whole day?
And, I can already pick up any instrument and play it, just not very good... at all. :)
Being a person who can appreciate how much time and effort it takes to master even just one instrument, I would choose to be able to play any instrument. I'd rather have a talent than something material.

And plus, producing the Apple products would be far too random. And once you had one of everything, and all of the people close to you had one of everything, you'd have to sell them. And that kind of income would be very random and unreliable. So, you'd have to have a job anyways just in case you only produced iPod Suffles for an entire month or no one was buying on Ebay.

Being able to play any instrument, however, would be much more stable, even with the unstable lifestyle of a musician. Still, your talent wouldn't change. And plus, playing instruments is just too cool to pass up!
I gotta go with the instrument. Just think how cool it would be to be able to instantly play any instrument, even really obscure ones. :)

So yes, I choose instrument!
I'm definitely going to go with the instrument. I would much rather be able to cheer people up with the gift of music than with the gift of sit-on-your-butt-and-stare-at-a-screen.
Yeah I'd had to go with instrument. I already play the guitar : ). I'm surprised I got this many replies.
The instruments, definitely. The Apple products would be far too random.
As much as I would love to be able to play any instrument, I think it would take away all the fun and accomplishment of learning. I love when I finally nail a piece of music, it feels great.
Producing an Apple product doesn't really have a bad side. It would be cool for a year or so, but then it would get boring. I think I'd choose producing an Apple product. It would be great for birthdays!
Pick up an instument and be able to play it. that would be so freaking awesome!!!!!!!
being able to produce one apple product a day.. i'd make much money and would learn to play any instrument and i'd have both :D
instrement. technolagy shall not consume my artistic spazims!!!!
INSTRUMENT. This would make my dreams come true. This is because I can't play instruments. Ever.
Instrument!!! But does "be able to play it" mean "be able to play it well"?


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