I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?
I'm not a big fan of Kommies, isn't that a slang term for a communist? But I am totally with you! I would love to have something to call us all, instead of explaining in full how I am obsessed with Rhett and Link to everyone I meet.. there's not any name that I know of so I hope everyone will give some good suggestions. : )
I like Unibrowsers. Haha. But here are some suggestions...
Pyrotechnical Heroes (Kinda sounds like the name of a band, though)
RhettandLinkalators (Lame, I know. Haha. But I've said that my friends and I are RhettandLinkalators for awhile.)
That's all I can think of right now, maybe more later....