
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

This is the excerpt from my story that I read to the class for my English final. Hope you like it!!

          The patrol car pulled up to the end of the road. The officer inside, Rusty McNabb, turned off the ignition and exited, gently closing the door so as not to scare off the perpetrator. He had received a call about disturbances in a nearby home, and when he arrived, he was directed to the forest. He pulled his flashlight, turned it on, and started down the small hill into the trees.
          It was a little unsettling at night, the forest. The moon overhead cast an eerie bluish-silver glow on everything, and every tree cast a shadow that looked like skeletal hands. The floor as coated in dead leaves and roots, the uneven, rocky ground making walking difficult in the uniform shoes. It was quiet, too, and thick silence, almost stifling him.
          It’s a big forest, he thought to himself. You can’t search it all. 
          If those people heard it, then it was in this section. C’mon, stop whining and do your job. He sighed and continued to look. He had no idea what he was looking for. The forest had several animals, and there was bound to be a scuffle sooner or later. However, the noise reported by the homeowner wasn’t normal. It was…unearthly, almost. The man who had called couldn’t replicate it, so McNabb had agreed to search.
          He searched though every place he could possibly find: the nooks and crannies between the boulders at the base of the mountain, rotten logs, near the creek. He searched for what felt like an hour.

           A twig snapped. The officer jumped and whipped around toward the noise. He giggled: a small, nervous laugh that didn’t fit the 6’ 5” police officer. 
          Probably a raccoon, he thought. They’re always getting around at night. 
          He looked at his watch. 12: 19 AM, the black text stood out boldly against the green background. The officer was finished, and it was late. His supper was probably in the nuker. He wondered what he was having as he turned to go back to the patrol car.
          Just before he reached the edge of the trees, there was a rustle of wings. Rusty McNabb turned in time to see a flash of red, like fire in the silver moonlight, and sharp fangs. The scream didn’t even escape his throat before he hit the forest floor.

                                          Honest feedback, please!!


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Comment by Kevin (UniSeal) on September 19, 2011 at 7:37pm
*months late* Yes yes, continue!!
Comment by Zee (Baconhawk) Platinum on March 5, 2011 at 8:41pm

SHAE! HOW DO YOU NOT THINK THIS IS GOOD! i was practically out of my seat while reading this. props to you kid. i liked it


a lot(:


Comment by Devan Kranz (The Yeti) on January 7, 2011 at 2:26pm
i agree with scott.  im very intrigued :D
Comment by Scott (ThunderFalconDragon) on January 7, 2011 at 2:24pm
honest feedback? u want honest feedback? here my honest feedback, put the rest of this freakin story up now! that honest enough 4 u?

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