
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I have decided to start a blog about my daily devotions.

Every day I study my Bible and record insights and such. I go one
verse at a time through each book of the Bible. I just recently started the book of Nahum. I've been going through the Minor Prophets (Jonah, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, etc.). So, this is the beginning of something I hope to continue.

Feel free to interact with my thoughts. Tell me what God has shown you from the same passage. Maybe share some of your own insights. Let me know if you agree or disagree. Leave any questions, comments, quips, snide remarks, cries of outrage, etc.

Some minor introductory matters:

I use the English Standard Version.

Anywhere in the Bible you see that Lord is all caps like LORD, it is referring to the triune God's covenantal name, Yahweh, or YHWH. So, you will frequently see me using YHWH (check out Genesis 2:4 in your Bible and see if there's a footnote regarding what I'm saying).

I'm not here to be your spiritual authority so don't take what I say as truth. Instead, go look it up yourself to see if I'm right in what I say.

I'm going to college for this, so I do have some credibility in what I'm doing.

Click the link below to see what I use to make the blogs.

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