
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)
  • 38, Female
  • Alexandria, KY
  • United States
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Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)'s Friends

  • Charles Crain (The Myth Hunter)
  • Master Joshua
  • Rosebella (Sunekosuri)
  • Danica (Ferret & Mink)
  • Josie (Mutant-Bat)
  • nour sharar
  • Natalie Tolliver
  • Gabby Quin {garmr}
  • Katrina Esposo
  • Lori Olivier
  • Linden
  • Pepper Paterson
  • Chloe Deighton
  • Constance Martin
  • Bonnie Barrow

Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

Comment Wall (715 comments)

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At 3:05pm on May 8, 2017,

At 4:17pm on May 5, 2017,

Is it cakeproof? Let's talk about that!

At 3:51pm on May 5, 2017,

@ 5:57-6:11 - - - OH MY GOODNESS!  it's gonna hit the FP wall art!

At 12:02pm on September 21, 2016, Martin B ^-^(the komm father) said…

Haha, I understand. It certainly isn't for everyone! The taste is quite... well... special. It tasted so differently than what I thought it would when I first saw its color. It's always good to have tried it, though. Thanks for the recommendations! ^-^ I will note those down and try to get a hold of them when I'm able to. So much cool Japanese stuff to try out!

At 4:24pm on September 20, 2016, Martin B ^-^(the komm father) said…

Haha, yes, I tried Calpis at a Japanese restaurant in Berlin. The menu just said "Popular Japanese Soft Drink", so I was very surprised when I saw it looked like milk! I found the taste alright. Not sure I would drink it on a regular basis, but I'd order it again if I had the chance. I take it that you didn't like it? x) 

At 5:16pm on February 24, 2016, Rubin Takoda Lee Shirley said…

Thank you for the welkomm. I'm glad to be here.

At 4:11pm on February 7, 2016, Lauren said…

Thank you :)

At 12:07am on February 3, 2016, Thomas Liebold said…

Thank you :)

At 11:38am on January 30, 2016, Pepper Paterson said…
Thanks for the welcome ;)
At 6:58pm on January 29, 2016, Constance Martin said…

Thank you so much for welcoming me!

Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)'s Blog

Introducing… The Mythical Mail Museum!

Posted on July 18, 2015 at 10:07pm 8 Comments

Good Mythical Morning season 8 will be seeing some changes in the way Rhett and Link’s mail system works. Watch the video below for full details of these changes. 

Rhett & Link
PO Box 6578
Burbank, CA 

Meeting R&L at VidCon.

Posted on July 2, 2014 at 9:00pm 13 Comments

Seeing as I'll be starting the bulk of my English classes this fall, I decided to write down my VidCon experience in order to practice writing over the summer. I'm not used to sharing this much of my thoughts and feelings on such a public level, so please forgive me if I come across the wrong way. I also want to apologize if I have incorrectly portrayed R&L. Memories are only so accurate, as all good Mythical Beasts should know. Perceptions of people can also be way off. (Yes, I'm…


Untitled Opening scene. (R&L Fanfic)

Posted on April 26, 2014 at 12:30pm 10 Comments

I've been wanting to try my hand at writing fiction for a while now, but I hadn't quite found an idea that had captured my imagination. Within the last week I came up with this idea for a Rhett and Link fan fiction. 

I personally like the idea of fanfics. What I don't like is how they are often are about sex and whatnot. I want to say in advance that this one will not be like that. I will not be putting them into romantic…


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