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DantheMontageMan (Black Wing)
  • Male
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • United States
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DantheMontageMan (Black Wing)'s Friends

  • Doctor
  • Tina (Elusive Blue Goose)
  • Julie Mosley (Flying Hedgehog)
  • Misawo Hagi
  • DarthJader11 ……♠♦the Frogster♥♣
  • Ben Goldman (The Benguin)
  • Charbel (Randler Wolf)
  • Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)
  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto
  • Danielle (Zunidale)
  • Reid Rankin
  • Jessie Rodgers
  • hacobo
  • Jessica Fortner (unicorn)
  • tom hartmann (platinawesome2.0)


  • 1.
    I Love Rhett n' Link

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Hello. I AM DAN.

Hello, world. I AM DAN.
I am a 22-yr-old SCAD grad, Motion Media Design major.
Love making videos and graphic design stuffs.

Here are other places I am on the interwebs:
My Personal Site
Watch my "Daily" Vlog
Follow Me on Twitter
Friend Me on Fbook
Watch My Montages


Comment Wall (25 comments)

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At 8:58pm on December 7, 2013, Doctor said…

 can we be friends

At 1:24pm on April 22, 2012, Aeralyn (Stormofjade) said…

nice sonic screwdriver Dan. are you the doctor?

At 9:24am on April 6, 2011, Femkoe Slangen(yuxa) I'm a cow said…
At 3:37am on May 10, 2010, DarthJader11 ……♠♦the Frogster♥♣ said…
i was getting ready to leave for mississippi.. we left early squirrely on friday so i couldn't make it.. =/
At 10:15pm on March 26, 2010, chadwickparker (Rabid Squirrel) said…
Hey, thanks for checking out my site. To answer some of your questions, I worked for SCAD as a video editor and made promotional materials,dvd's,etc. It was a lot of fun. I now live in Beijing. I never went to school at SCAD only worked there, I went to a school called Milligan College. My wife got her masters degree from SCAD though in photography. I did not do any of the HK promotional material but I know all the people that did. If you even run into the film professor Bear Brown, tell him I say hi.
At 12:40pm on March 12, 2010, DarthJader11 ……♠♦the Frogster♥♣ said…
that's awesome! i'm not sure if any of my friends are those majors but it's worth a shot.. do you know Josh Eason, Casey McPeters, or Brad Barnes?
haha how could you tell? yeah i put illustration on my application. and thanks! it's good to hear that from people already enrolled =] (i hope i can fish some scholarships with some of my works)
At 9:37am on March 12, 2010, DarthJader11 ……♠♦the Frogster♥♣ said…
i'm actually in the process of transferring to SCAD. i wonder if you know some of my friends who go there.. what's your major?
At 9:30pm on January 24, 2010, Raquel TW-Jackalope. said…
Well if it makes you feel better, I haven't been active in anything Rhett and Link related at all :/ I dunno, I've been pretty busy with other stuff, and then when I try to get back in the game I feel like I don't know anyone anymore. Like, I remember when it was this small little group of us and we all felt so connected to Rhett and Link and to each other. That little group has moved on to bigger things as Kommunity leaders and stuff, but I didn't. Ultimately, I feel so out of the loop that I'm not motivated to try and get back into it anymore. It's sad.
At 6:03pm on January 24, 2010, Shane Adams said…
Hey Dan. things are swell; I'm blogging my life away, and still doing the Twitter thing. School's fine as well, though a major pain in the ass (but when isn't it? AMIRITE?) Yourself?
At 9:51am on November 7, 2009, Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria) said…
Hi Dan, nice to meet you! I love your website, and your vids too, of course. Where in Sweden did you go? I bet you didn't went to the northern parts, it's not that loveable ;)

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