
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Jessica Fortner (unicorn)
  • Female
  • United States
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Jessica Fortner (unicorn)'s Friends

  • Roxanne Martelli
  • Chantel Smith
  • Monkey
  • tom hartmann (platinawesome2.0)
  • Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)
  • Rachel (Rusalka)
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)
  • Edlives (Dragon)
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)
  • Elise (The Elliephant)
  • John Stratman (Stratmaster J)
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT
  • Emily Collins (The Dark Horse)
  • Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat)
  • DantheMontageMan (Black Wing)

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Jessica Fortner (unicorn)'s Page

My name is Jessica Fortner and I'm 16. My favorites include: my personal savior Jesus, crocheting, piano, singing, acting, leading worship, writing (poetry, short stories, essays, music, lyrics), and making and editing videos. If you'd like to see some of my work, my youtube account is :www.youtube.com/user/iamaservant4him. My purevolume account is: www.purevolume.com/JessicaFortner. If you want to follow me on my blog, you can do so at www.xanga.com/s3singa4eva. Add me as a friend, I love meeting new people!

Moving on to Rhett and Link...

You know you really love a group of internet comedians when you join a fan community about them. What can I say? The first time I saw Rhett and Link was their unicorn rap. (My friend and I have a big inside joke about unicorns, so I was looking for any funny videos to show her.) I didn't really know who they were, and just moved on with life. A few months later, I found the video again, and started watching some of their other videos. I was watching them with my mom, so I was very cautious. I was just waiting for them to swear, because almost every other internet comedian does... but they never did! Could this be possible? Two absolutely hilarious guys with great voices, great lyrics, great morals, and overall great videos? I would eventually find out: yes.

There are lots of people on YouTube that are funny. Hundreds of people that will make me laugh. But as soon as they start talking dirty and swearing a whole lot, they've lost my respect. Rhett and Link are two guys who have not once lost my respect. Heck, the only time they've ever even talked about swearing was in their Profanity and Unicorns Song. I'm completely okay with this for two reasons: they were in 1st grade, I give 'em a break, and they talked about unicorns. :)

So, that's how I found Rhett & Link, and how I came to love them.

-Jessica Fortner

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At 2:23pm on April 5, 2012,

Gumbo123 said…


Welcome back to the Kommunity . . . looks like today was the first time in over 2 years, at least since you posted any new activity . . . but I'm sure that you've been busy keeping mythical outside the komm, right?


If not, click the pic below to see what you missed . . .



At 2:55pm on September 29, 2009, Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat) said…
Happy birthday Miss Jessica Fortner :)
On behalf of the very unofficial birthday team(which there is not...)
Have an amazing year :)
At 11:19pm on August 10, 2009, Elise (The Elliephant) said…
Hi Jessica! Thought you might like to know our "Nebraskans" group is going to be closed and combined with the Great American Road Trip group.
At 1:51am on July 5, 2009, Roxanne Martelli said…
I noticed a trend within the people on here and the amazingness. The first time I showed someone a video they were all "no way..they must be mormon" I definitely lol'd hardcore. XD

Dude seriously?! Thats amazing! 10 years? holy crap. Something deep inside wishes that my parents made me start when I was younger. My dad had begged me to start playing guitar when I was like 9 but I just wouldn't budge. Then when I was like 12 and he laid off of the play guitar bit, I started to. I guess thats where obstinance gets you. haha.

What worship team are you on at the moment? (I guess just like, what does your team consist of and what do ya guys do on your parts) random question I know. I'm taking up the actual leading role for the worship team at my highschool (i.e Christian highschool hehe) so I love getting different perspectives. =)
At 1:22am on July 5, 2009, Roxanne Martelli said…
yeah actually. ^_^ I've been playing in worship teams for the past 2 years I suppose. (seems a lot longer. XD) I've played guitar for about wow, 4 or 5 years now and bass for a year and a half. This is uber exciting by the way! nice to meet a fellow worshipper on an AWESOME website. hehe ^_^
At 11:08pm on July 2, 2009, Raquel TW-Jackalope. said…
That is cool!
I got the job because I'm friends with one of the main editors (:
He works for Xanga.
At 7:47pm on July 2, 2009, Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat) said…
oh thank you so much
it took us about it took us about 3 hours to record it
At 7:03pm on July 2, 2009, Tammy (Landshark) said…
Awesome Rhett and Link song!! Everybody should check that out! That was amazing!!

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