
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!



If you love the Lord, and love thy neighbor - join here!

This group has prayer requests, many discussion topics and sharing with one another.

Lets fellowship here with other Rhett and Link fans!

Members: 913
Latest Activity: Nov 13, 2018

Christianity is not a theory or speculation, but a life; not a philosophy of life, but a living presence.

Exodus 14:14

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Remember this in all things...relax, find comfort in knowing He is taking care of what you need...






Discussion Forum

What is your denomonation.

Started by Douglas Carr(flying buffalo man). Last reply by Nathan Tibbitts(Abura-akago) Apr 13, 2016. 109 Replies

Prayer Requests

Started by Parker The Purple Panda-Saur. Last reply by Kimberly (pandog) Dec 12, 2017. 95 Replies

Ask a Catholic Theologian

Started by EG Norton (Siris). Last reply by Hannah Joy Mar 30, 2015. 23 Replies

Any Christian Comedians that you love?

Started by Erin J. Hetrick. Last reply by Plug R (gardian squirrel) Jun 6, 2016. 23 Replies

What have you done to spread God's Word?

Started by Suzy (Bluenosed Water Leaper). Last reply by Audrey Vestal Nov 6, 2015. 17 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Christian to add comments!

Comment by Melissa Canchola on July 11, 2014 at 1:16am

I am not sure they are Christians. Why would you have a community and not allow any one to talk about religion in the main chat. Also, I don't really see them talk about it on their show, like ever. There are lots of shows I haven't seen, though. Even if they didn't wan to do it on the main show, they have the "More," version, to talk about other stuff. I have an interenet radio, just so I could do that. There are people that listen to it. Not as many as audience as Rhett and Link has, though. It's called "Truth Be Told Radio" www.truthbetoldradio.com 2pm-4pm PST, Sundays. :)

Comment by Jessie (Rhett and Links Besty) on July 8, 2014 at 8:18pm
I would hope that they are Christians
Comment by Jessie (Rhett and Links Besty) on July 8, 2014 at 8:17pm
I am a Christian and I love that there is a group for it
Comment by Meredith (the octacapamew) on July 7, 2014 at 5:59pm

are rhett and link christian?

Comment by Tyler (Lord of Mordor) on June 30, 2014 at 1:31pm

Hey! I'm sort of new to R&L and just joined this group. Looking forward to it!

Comment by Nolan (Jedi~Squirrel) on May 4, 2014 at 10:44pm

I had some moments in my life when I was depressed about one or two years ago, I didn't know what to do so I would go in my room and read for a few hours every time I got depressed.  I didn't think to ask God for help and I just tried to fight it on my own.  You can't fight this on your own Stephen, you have to ask the Lord for help, I'll be praying for you.  Also I encourage everyone to watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtpTk2ENq7o Make sure you watch it all the way through.  It really talks about how big our God is.

Comment by Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM) on May 4, 2014 at 4:33pm

I will pray for you Stephen. I have had depression issues too.  I let them take control of me so I know what it is like.  Just remember God helps when we ask.  But he does it in his own time and his own way

Comment by Michael (Beaglehawk) on January 11, 2014 at 10:16pm

Here's a video that really encouraged me lately. Hope that it can encourage you also.


Comment by ligia stratton (ELEPANGER) on January 10, 2014 at 4:05pm

LOL... cup cake.... pizza... lol... I see... I would much rather have joy also... thank you for that post!

Comment by Gumbo123 on January 8, 2014 at 4:20pm



I replied today to a Kommunity forum discussion that is related to a United Naitons poll done annually . . . Happiest Country on earth?

It reminded me of a Wednesday night Bible study that I heard recently at our church with Pastor Mike Wells.  Please allow me to share for your consideration. . .


Here's how I reponded to the forum discussion:


HAPPINESS is relative, so if you live in a country that has enjoyed liberty and personal freedom for a long time you generally become disenchanted with how well things are going.  That's why the USA usually languishes outside the top ten on such polls (USA was #11 this year according to the Forbes article cited).  It takes a great deal of improvement in the general quality of living or a huge turnaround in the economy for us to get excited.  By contrast, it would not take a whole lot of improvement for the citizens of Tonga to dance for excitement and report to the poll takers that they are 500% happier than they were last time you asked, thank you very much, and vacate the bottom spot in the list.

I'm not making any excuses for the USA, that's just the way it is.

HAPPINESS is based on a HAPPENING . . . so it depends what was going on at the moment in the various countries and lives of the individuals questioned in the poll.  If you recieve a raise or promotion at work because you are a productive and valuable employee, you are happy.  Two weeks later and the employer locks the doors due to an issue outside your control, you are not happy.  Give me a cupcake right now and I'm happy.  Dinner time rolls around and I'm running 5 minutes late and all my brothers eat the entire pizza before my arrival . . . not happy.


Forget happiness.  I'd much rather have JOY in my life. 


Members (913)


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