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depends do i get a mega phone if so then squirrelly
I don't know why, but I immediately knew that I would prefer the untrained, untrainable squirrel.
Maybe I am already squirrely, but I think it would be pretty sweet to have a harness squirrel with me.
If i want an extra seat beside me I would just scream: Attack Spartacus (the squirrel) and I’m sure ppl will clear the way. As for it being an inconvenience, the squirrel has to sleep some time and at least only the ppl nearby will be the only ones to notice the squirrel; yelling all the time will get everyone’s attention and I might be charged with causing a public disturbance/ nuisance.

Can you imagine how hard it would be for the “I’m squirrelly” announcer to attend a loved one’s funeral?
Definatly I would have the Squirrel. No doubt about it. At first I thought, "Squirelly." but now that I've put some serious thought into this (sarcasm sarcasm) I would want a squirrel.
But I am wondering, if I did have a squirrel harnessed to me at all times, maybe I could have a baby squirrel and train it as it grows up and keep it in a little squirrel bag when I don't want it attacking people... hmmm... :)
man, the word 'squirrel' is starting to sound wierd to me now.
wierd word....
LOL! Attack Sparticus! Love it!

Claire (Flying Penguin) said:
Maybe I am already squirrely, but I think it would be pretty sweet to have a harness squirrel with me.
If i want an extra seat beside me I would just scream: Attack Spartacus (the squirrel) and I’m sure ppl will clear the way. As for it being an inconvenience, the squirrel has to sleep some time and at least only the ppl nearby will be the only ones to notice the squirrel; yelling all the time will get everyone’s attention and I might be charged with causing a public disturbance/ nuisance.

Can you imagine how hard it would be for the “I’m squirrelly” announcer to attend a loved one’s funeral?
mad props, I love you guys, been a big supporter on the tube for a couple years. Please consider me a mythical beast though I choose to support you guys just on that one venue. Until now. Nothing in particular happened to make me join. I just had the free time...late one night after the pub....

I'd say A and B. I think that is that would be awesome. "Yo! I'm a squirrelly bad-ass and here's my crazy feral squirrel Bob. Don't get too close though...he's crazy!

Oh, and Scarves are awesome too, keep rocking it. The ladies love a good scarf. amiright?


I'd like to present not a 'would you rather', but a more straight forward thought exercise; if a block of cheese fought a spider in mortal combat, who would win and why?
I'd prefer the squirrel cuz their cool and their fun to feed nuts.
squirrel on a leash, would bring him to the dog park and watch all the dogs go berserk.
Would you rather have a lisp for the rest of your life, or always be hungry ( like no matter how much you eat you could never feel full)?
I'd rather have a squirrel on a leash because I could explain that as not being my fault, and after a while I could get used to it even if the squirrel couldn't.

You couldn't explain away why you always had to announce you were Squirrley, and after a while your close friends would wonder why you always did it. They might think it was funny once, but all the time. You'd appear fake or as someone who needs attention all the time.

Yeah, I'd be pretty sad for the squirrel, but I could make myself believe it was for the squirrel's best interest.
Would you rather have brain freeze everytime you spoke? or have an alarm clock that fills your underwear with snow each morning?
the cheese. Simply because cheese is awesome. :D

George McFly said:
mad props, I love you guys, been a big supporter on the tube for a couple years. Please consider me a mythical beast though I choose to support you guys just on that one venue. Until now. Nothing in particular happened to make me join. I just had the free time...late one night after the pub....

I'd say A and B. I think that is that would be awesome. "Yo! I'm a squirrelly bad-ass and here's my crazy feral squirrel Bob. Don't get too close though...he's crazy!

Oh, and Scarves are awesome too, keep rocking it. The ladies love a good scarf. amiright?


I'd like to present not a 'would you rather', but a more straight forward thought exercise; if a block of cheese fought a spider in mortal combat, who would win and why?


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