
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Here's a little tour guide that may help you

along the path to mythical beastliness.

A beginner's  guide prepared

for NewKommers* to assist in

your understanding of all things Rhett and Link:

* NEWKOMMER - - a mythical beast who is still relatively new and/or unschooled in the ways of the kommunity;  typically a newbie or, worst case, a noob 


WATCH:  Rhett&Link: An Introduction

(uploaded by on April 27, 2007)


VIEW:   A Brief History Of Rhett & Link

(created by mythical beast Ryder Burgin and YouTuber FootofaFerret on June 28, 2013)


READ:  Rhett&Link's Bio 



The early-career interview that R&L did for WUNC Public Radio's weekly program The State of Things back in 2009. This session, no longer available anywhere online, is the entire 50-minute program broken into 3 parts small enough to add to the Kommunity records (7MB per item upload limit)

RESEARCH:  Rhett&Link's History 


LEARN:  The Lives of Rhett and Link - Biographic Master Post

FOLLOW:  Take your pick . . . or use them all! 

To keep up with the latest shenanigans, tag along with one  (or all) of these links to Facebook and Twitter and much much more:
> > > http://www.facebook.com/RhettAndLink

> > > https://twitter.com/rhettandlink 

> > > https://twitter.com/linklamont  

> > > https://twitter.com/rhettmc


> > > R&L TUMBLR

These are the other "official" Kommunity

social sites maintained by the K-Mods:

> > >  www.facebook.com/rhettandlinkomm

> > >  www.twitter.com/RhettandLinKomm

> > >  www.rhettandlinkommunity.tumblr.com

UNDERSTAND:  10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast



Why our fans are called "Mythical Beasts" - RLVault 15

and, before you even ask . . . the MAP feature on the Great American Road Trip is no longer available  . . . don't waste even one second of your precious time looking for it . . . but, if you ask nicely, I would be glad to add you to the

MB International Map Project > > > CLICK HERE 



Here is a helpful guide: 






Learn the Mythical Handshake and get ready to greet your mythical neighbors. 

Special thanks to  Julie Siegrist (The Pheonix)  for the illustration, based on the original concept and demo video by Kevin (UniSeal).




Rule #1 - - CONTRIBUTE

Being a MB doesn't cost you a penny, but you do need to work at it in order to get the most benefit. 

  • join a group
  • get involved
  • express your opinions
  • share your creativity

Just remember to keep the comments civil and the content family friendly.

Rule #2 - - - see Rule #1

Rule #3 - - - there is no Rule #3

But seriously folks, there are some common sense rules to the Kommunity that you should be aware of, and all members are expected to read, agree and adhere to these . . .

Official Rules of the Kommunity



YES! there is a SEARCH BAR . . .

just look up at the top right corner of any Kommunity page.  A very helpful tool to use for finding other MB's with similar interests or who live in your country / state / area . . . and my biggest piece of advice for newbies is to learn how and when to use it . . . really helps to hold down on some of the clutter from having 20 discussion forums on the same topic.



YES! there is a TOOLBAR . . .

created by the one and only Edlives (Dragon), the R&L toolbar is a great way to promote kommunity konnectivity and stay in touch with all things Rhett&Link - - available for MS Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome - -  and it is customizable. 

Click on the pic below to download and check out the instruction videos

 Rhettandlinktoolbar introduction

Rhettandlink Kommunity Toolbar - part 2


YES! there is an APP for that too . . .

There is an official Rhett and Link app designed by AppRats, Inc. for both iPhone and iPad 



. . .and another just for the Android phones > > >


. . . and here's one of several forum threads where you can get tips and instructions from a fellow mythical beast > > >  http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/forum/topics/rhettandlinkommunity-app


YES! there is a chatroom . . .

No, you're not completely insane . . . that's where all the beeping noise has been coming from since you joined two weeks ago . . . just look down at the bottom right corner of your screen . . . YOU are invited to pop into KOMMCHAT, get your moustache acknowledged and meet some of "the regulars"




Contact Rhett & Link

     General Contact

     Got questions? Request? Photos? Videos? Stories?
     Submit them via:




Fan Mail

     Rhett & Link

     PO Box 6578

     Burbank, CA 91510



What is a KBE?

There are always several ongoing Kommunity Building Exercises (KBE's) in process - - some of these are intitated by Rhett and Link, but for the most part we just make it up as we go along.  You can browse through the entire KBE Forum Directory to find one you might like to participate in.  Even better yet, start a new one and invite others to help. 

Below are links to several ongoing KBE's that I personally sponsor (PLUG cough cough SHAMELESS PLUG) and more are listed on my homepage:


Views: 40972

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Replies to This Discussion

This is awesome, Gumbo! I think you should post it under the the category "Kommunity Information Center," too. There's only 5 discussions in that category so it's less likely to get lost.
You do the most fun things for the kommunity Gumbo.

Gumbo123 said:

Everything you always wanted to know about RhettandLink.com but were afraid to ask . . . http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/rhettandlink.com#


thank you for this :)

Thanks ,hon.. I think I'll like it here <3

Cheers Gumbo! 

Thanks for the rules, I will follow them to the best of my abilities!

:) thank you
Wow, this is so coooool
eneebudy there
Thx Gumbo you rock!
This was so cool! I didn't know half the stuff in that video, and I love Rhett and Link! Every newbie needs to see this!


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