
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Rhett and Link have told me that this is how the prizes will work:

There will be 3 grand prizes awarded, 1 for each category (Video, Audio, and Photo). The winners get to choose which R&L prop prize they want (see the list below). The Video winner gets to choose first, followed by the Audio winner, and then the Photo winner, just based on the level of complexity of the submission.

Plus, all 3 winners will also get these items:
• a signed "Live in the Living Room" CD
• a Rhett&Link sticker
• an official Rhett&Link mini soap (courtesy of http://icandysoaps.com/default.aspx)

(Of course, everyone who enters the CBE gets a Secret Song, and the first 45 participants also get the "Rhett&Link Rock" T-Shirt!)

NOTE: the following list is not complete. You can help add prizes to it! Just suggest prop prizes from any Rhett&Link video by leaving a comment in Rhett's discussion! :D

I'll be compiling the suggestions, and finding out what Link and Rhett are willing to part with, and I'll add those in here. -Emily (-;

Here’s the list of current available prizes, along with their picture:

- (signed) "Looking for Ms. Locklear" DVD:

- a (signed) Rhett&Link T-shirt:

- The talkin' picture, as featured in "Father's Day Gift Advice":

-**The Off Road Commode, as featured in "Redneck Camping Guide":

-**Hand-crank siren, as featured in "Father's Day Gift Advice":

-70 mm Celestron Star Seeker, as featured in "Pluto On The Rebound music video":

-**Robotic owl, as featured in "Father's Day Gift Advice":

-**Face/Butt towel, as featured in "Father's Day Gift Advice":

-ShamWow, as featured in "ShamWow Song (Lyrics from Vince Offer)":

-Link's recorder, as featured in "Facebook Song" as well as many other videos:

-Rhett's red and white vest, as featured in "Unicorn Rap":

-Link's yellow rain hat, as featured in "Maine Man Song":

-Link's reflective vest, as featured in "Space Junk Song":

-(signed)Robot Girlfriend newspaper ads, as featured in "Robot Girlfriend Song":

-Velcro shoes, as featured in "Velcro Song":

-Round glasses, as featured in "Dead iPod Song (featuring iJustine)":

-(signed) cut-outs of Rhett and Link's faces, as featured in "SUPERNOTE: LIVE (Update #4)":

-Freelance fireworks hall-o-fame board, as featured in "Fireworks Song":

-The "Arnold Schwarzenegger Pumping Iron" DVD (signed by Rhett and Link), as featured in "RhettandLink Props for You":

-Link and Rhett's '80s wigs, as featured in "In The 80's - Music Video":

-Magic 8 ball, as featured in "RhettandLink Props for You":

-Lock of Link's hair:

-Lock of Rhett's hair:

-Two Rubix Cubes, as featured in "In The 80's - Music Video":

-Link's Plastic Man T-shirt, as featured in "How to sneak on the Grammy Red Carpet!" as well as worn in many other videos:

**This item is shipped directly from Kotulas.com, since Link and Rhett no longer have the actual one that appeared in their video.

I'd also like to say thanks to Megan McMo for uploading the prize images to her photo album for me!

View the winners here: http://rhettandlink.com/blog/first-kast-back-and-cbe-winners/

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Thanks!! In fact, one of your suggestions even made it onto the list!!! :D

Aly And Cate said:
We some more suggestions on the other page :D
WOW..a lock of their hair? That's...creepy. LOL
! one shirt

Lynn E-Ministrator said:
Most likely, 1 shirt for each winner, but please stand by for the official word.

Michael Joseph said:
Wait, when you say "Signed Rhett and Link T-Shirts", do you literally mean multiple T-shirts, or just one of your choice?
Oh, goodness.... we're so excited!
Here are the top three prizes that we would be proud to own:
1. the Debate sign (could we get it signed on the back?)
2. a signed Mrs. Locklear DVD
3. the newspaper ads from Robot Girlfriend

Thank you so much for picking our video. We had so much fun making it as a family and we are happy that you liked it, too.
Hey, I was told that winners put their three options in this forum. So here I go!

1st choice: Plastic Man Shirt.
2nd choice: Signed Rhett and Link shirt.
3rd choice: Looking for Ms. Locklear DVD.


1. link's facebook song recorder
2. 80's wigs
3. hand crank siren

whichever it is... you'll be seeing it in one of my videos.
facebook recorder would be rad.
OMGosh! I won for photo...that's just too cool! Now I gotta go make mini statues of Rhett & Link out of clay tee hee! =)

here's my top three prize choices
1st - (signed) "Looking for Ms. Locklear" DVD
2nd - The talkin' picture, as featured in "Father's Day Gift Advice"
3rd - a (signed) Rhett&Link T-shirt

Here's my wish list:

1. Plastic Man Shirt !!!!
2. Mrs. Locklear DVD
3. Signed R&L T-shirt

Thanks Rhett and Link for this great opportunity to be creative and share with others.
Hmmm. The two audio category winners have the same prize choices...This is going to get interesting.

Paul Dufilho said:
Here's my wish list:

1. Plastic Man Shirt !!!!
2. Mrs. Locklear DVD
3. Signed R&L T-shirt

Thanks Rhett and Link for this great opportunity to be creative and share with others.
I'll change mine to avoid the controversy and since I put my request in after Raquel:

1. Hand Crank Siren
2. Locklear DVD
3. signed R&L shirt

Raquel TWG said:
Hmmm. The two audio category winners have the same prize choices...This is going to get interesting.

Paul Dufilho said:
Here's my wish list:

1. Plastic Man Shirt !!!!
2. Mrs. Locklear DVD
3. Signed R&L T-shirt

Thanks Rhett and Link for this great opportunity to be creative and share with others.
Aw, that was nice. You're a kind person, Paul. I feel sort of bad now that you so willingly gave up your prize...

Paul Dufilho said:
I'll change mine to avoid the controversy and since I put my request in after Raquel:

1. Hand Crank Siren
2. Locklear DVD
3. signed R&L shirt

Raquel TWG said:
Hmmm. The two audio category winners have the same prize choices...This is going to get interesting.

Paul Dufilho said:
Here's my wish list:

1. Plastic Man Shirt !!!!
2. Mrs. Locklear DVD
3. Signed R&L T-shirt

Thanks Rhett and Link for this great opportunity to be creative and share with others.
Can I say how awesome the CBE's were! What a blast. Everyone did a really great job but I think they were all pretty well inspired.


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