
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My teacher showed us rhett and links t-shirt war video then a year or two later the same video is showed to me so I go on my phone and look them up and now I can't stop watching

We have been following Julian Smith for a while.  While watching his Waffles video, my kids are like hey, that is Rhett and Link.  I didn't know who they were and kind of forgot all about them (sad face) and then Julian posted the video of the Bathroom Trip song.  I recognized them from Waffles and my daughter then asked me if I have ever watched any of the Chia Lincoln/GMM's.  Once I started watching, I was totally hooked.  I showed my husband, who usually is only amused with his own humor, and now he is a fan.  His commute is about an hour and now comes home listening to the last bit of the daily GMM on his Iphone.  I changed his ringtone to the Epic Battle of Manliness :-).   My teenagers have been watching you guys for quite awhile now, but I have been enjoying playing catch-up for the last couple of months. 


I saw their 2012 project for awesome video and then their christmas sweats video and subscribed and never turned back:) Then I found out that GMM was available in podcast form and listen to it every day. Rhett and Link's voices are even what I go to sleep to every night.
New here, new to Rhett & Link but already hooked. Another website I follow (pleated-jeans.com) posted their Christmas Sweatz vid, and after watching it several times, I had to see more of those crazy pantless guys. I am probably old enough to be the mother of most of you, and the older sister of Rhett & Link, because their parents had a surprise pregnancy when they thought they were so over having kids but never got around to doing anything about it and look what happened. However, I was on discussion boards back when most of you were potty training. Hope to find my people here.

I am a relatively new mythical beast, i found rhett&link on the epic rap battles when they played the wright brothers...i thought they were AWESOME!!! I have been a fan for only about a year... i have been a fan ever since...i have to say my wife thought they were "stupid" but she is now a fan herself...

First video I saw Rhett and Link in was the T-shirt war after being diverted to it by MysteryGuitarMan. Ever since then I've followed their videos, every one as hilarious (and sometimes thought provoking...) as the next.

I found them by watching good old Julian Smith videos  :)   -- Waffles

I found Rhett and Link through my best friend in 3rd grade! He actually emailed me the video "Fast Food Folk Song" and I kept watching after that. I have been watching Rhett & Link for 3 years now(:

I had randomly found Rhett and Link through well.....lets see first I was watching some Watsky videos then some Epic Rap Battles of History, then found the Hair Song by Rhett and Link.

I saw the video for the Fast Food Folk song and thought, "that was creative." Been hooked since. Have made my way through almost all of the vids on both Youtube channel. I came to the website just now hunting the two versions of "Gutless Wonders." I think my search will continue.

I found them last year sometime :D I was doing some suggestion hopping and i watched a video... Which was so AMAZING that I had to join c: I've been a lurker for a while so this is great :D

i found Rhett and Link because of the t shirt wars  i thought that video was so cool


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