
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I first saw Rhett and Link in T-Shirt Wars because RWJ featured it on one of his shows.
hmmmm...... There was a segment on demand on my t.v. with them in it and I thought they were pure genius! I saw the Cuban gynecologist local commercial and, being Cuban myself, thought it was the most hilarious local commercial ever. "Start a revolution! People with bad credit driving everywhere!" LOL. I then spent over 9 hours online watching all of their videos. :D
Youtubed the Facebook song and got hooked.
I.. don't.. know.. Maybe from youtube??? I dunno but I'm glad I did, I love you guys!
I recently had a strange obsession for stop motion videos and my YouTube suggestions had the T-
Shirt War waiting for me like a warm toasty blanket out of the dryer.
I found Rhett and Link through JellyTelly.com. There was not a link there but they stared as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers. It was not until I saw Rhett and then Link on Twitter that I made the conection.
I have shown their videos to a lot of people. My family especially likes the Maine Man song.
Thanks for the content Rhett and Link.
I found them not too long ago. My roommate was watching one of their videos and she insisted on showing it to me. She's constantly doing this so I didn't think too much of it until I went back later and watched some of their other videos. I have now seen just about every video and absolutely love it.
i was watching The Perfect Bathroom Trip because Julian Smith was in it, so i watched some of their videos and loved them.
I saw them in a vid on edbassmaster's youtube channel last year and then a few months ago I found there vids and started watching them!
i was searching on youtube failed commercials and i found their men who cant pee video and i've been in love with them ever since
I have always been a utube freak since like my sister showed it to me. I new I wanted to make videos after like 2 years of watching utube. I've made videos for a year and 6 days now on utube and have at the moment 67! Our utube account is RandomClassicComedy but in like November 2009 I sort of started watching these, Facebook song, taco bell- I LOVED them. But not until just this month have I started realizing they were all from the same people. I immediatley (i suckat spelling, and i know cause there is a red line under immediatley, there it is again!) started loooking up ALL there videos, and they just inspired me. So yeah, MEH!
Just a YouTube junkie... how could I not <3 Rhett & Link?


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