
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

What is your Mythical Beast name, Why did you pick it and what does it mean???

Please tell us your mythical name
Why did you choose this name for yourself
What does it means???

Mine is Horphin.
Horse and Dolphin
I chose this name because I love these two animals.
The horse is a great and wonderful land animal. When Jesus comes back He will be on a White horse.
I love the dolphin becasue of it's gentleness and grace when you see them swimming. I first feel in love the dolphin when I was a little girl after watching "Flipper". The island of the blue Dolphin was one of my favorite books and movie.

There are my reason for my name what is yours?

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I decided to come of with a more creative mythical beast name. I am the flame flying armadillo, I breathe fire, fly, and am very rare. I also am immortal.
sounds fun and scarry at the same time. OK, not really. Armadillos are sort of cute in their own way.

Aralia (Flame Flying Armadillo) said:
I decided to come of with a more creative mythical beast name. I am the flame flying armadillo, I breathe fire, fly, and am very rare. I also am immortal.
I'm the Sea Llama... Llamas are great! They rhyme with so many words, they almost rhyme with other animals that closely resemble them, and they have an awesome theme song.


I chose "Sea" because I'm not creative and it was the only thing I could think of that would make my beast mythical. So yeah, that's me, not being very creative, while still being mythical.
Awesome Feedback everyone. LOVE IT!!!

it's a oyster (w/shells) wrapped by dough and then baked into a bread
seems harmless and accessible on the outside
but it's protected and isolated by the shell
and the shell may harm

but if you can find a way to open my shell

Tom Mcsalad (were-penguin) said:
a were-penguin is like a were-wolf but it is a penguin
Ticogrin (Tie-Ko-Grin)

When I first realized that mythical beast names were encouraged? or would demanded be a better term? either way I realized that, I immediately remebered a 'hybrid' animal project i had to do for a science class, so I went through some old school work and found a rough copy of that project. The Ticogrin has the head, body and tail of a tiger, it's neck resembles that of a cobras body and it also has the poison of cobra along with the fangs, and it has the wings and legs of a bird. Though the Ticogrin has the speed of a peregrin falcon it does not have the same size of wings. I can't remember where it lives but i do know there is only a few left in existence.
Mine is Beeficorn
It's like a Unicorn except the horn is made out of roast beef. The animal has developed an extremely fast agility so as to evade any other mythical beasts which might want to take a bite out of its magical horn. Also, the horn can turn other things into beef products thus preventing the Beeficorn from ever starving. This beautiful, immortal creature will always live forever in hearts of the children who believe in it (technically in their arteries).
very clever.

Jacob (Beeficorn) said:
Mine is Beeficorn
It's like a Unicorn except the horn is made out of roast beef. The animal has developed an extremely fast agility so as to evade any other mythical beasts which might want to take a bite out of its magical horn. Also, the horn can turn other things into beef products thus preventing the Beeficorn from ever starving. This beautiful, immortal creature will always live forever in hearts of the children who believe in it (technically in their arteries).
Very interesting. do you have a pic of this mythical creature, would love to see it????

Amanda : Ticogrin : said:
Ticogrin (Tie-Ko-Grin)

When I first realized that mythical beast names were encouraged? or would demanded be a better term? either way I realized that, I immediately remebered a 'hybrid' animal project i had to do for a science class, so I went through some old school work and found a rough copy of that project. The Ticogrin has the head, body and tail of a tiger, it's neck resembles that of a cobras body and it also has the poison of cobra along with the fangs, and it has the wings and legs of a bird. Though the Ticogrin has the speed of a peregrin falcon it does not have the same size of wings. I can't remember where it lives but i do know there is only a few left in existence.
kind of i have my rough sketch, so i'll have to re-do the good copy, i think my teacher kept my old good one

JeanetteWifeMoMhorphin✞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ said:
Very interesting. do you have a pic of this mythical creature, would love to see it????

Amanda : Ticogrin : said:
Ticogrin (Tie-Ko-Grin)

When I first realized that mythical beast names were encouraged? or would demanded be a better term? either way I realized that, I immediately remebered a 'hybrid' animal project i had to do for a science class, so I went through some old school work and found a rough copy of that project. The Ticogrin has the head, body and tail of a tiger, it's neck resembles that of a cobras body and it also has the poison of cobra along with the fangs, and it has the wings and legs of a bird. Though the Ticogrin has the speed of a peregrin falcon it does not have the same size of wings. I can't remember where it lives but i do know there is only a few left in existence.
Mine is the Mythacle "Bob the Breaker". Its not just "Breaker" because that would imply that there is more than one, however there is only one in existance. And its name is Bob. It can break through piles of wooden boards, solid bricks and even plastic practice targets. (This is my actual nickname, usually shortened to Bob) I have changed my creature because i realised something: its real. not mythacle.


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