
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!



February 2, 2013 @ 10AM PST

LIVE chat with Rhett and Link here on the Kommunity!!

Premier Trailer by: Donna (PeachGeek)!


  • Here is the link to the entire script:


  • Here is the link to all of R&Ls Gutless Wonder readings:


  • Click HERE for the latest update on this project...
  • Cast of the Movie:

Gutless Wonders: The Movie
A Kommunity Kollaboration...

Script written by: Rhett and Link (age 14)
Directed by: Rachel (Nezulupantro)

Introduction/Scene 1: Alan Davidson
Scene 2: Amir (MegaMoose) and Brandon W. (TheGaurdianOfArlon)
Scene 3:Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Karrie (TheOriginalBookworm)
Scene 4:Solomon Triffit
Scene 5:Meals Xanthe (PirateElephant)
Scene 6:Maggie H. (JoffreyCat)
Scene 7: Ross (Rossmallow)
Scene 8:Ezra Elliot
Scene 9:Ben Wallace/Corfisto
Scene 10:Sir Chantry
Scene 11 (Written by Rizdub): Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Karrie (TheOriginalBookworm)
Scene 12: Maddie (Featherzorse)
Scene 13 (Written by: Anna (Hydropheonixsiren): Abby (TheAbominableUnixombie)
Smitty Scenes:Ratonbat (RatOnTheBat)
Credits Soundtrack: Ezra Elliot

Edited by: Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Ivette (Quadricorn)
Special thanks to: William (Hermonat) and Donna (PeachGeek)
Express your beastliness and join the Kommunity at Rhettandlinkommunity.com! Participate in a K.B.E. today!

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Replies to This Discussion

Great! Scene 8 is yours, Ivette!! congrats :) just remember, have your scene in by October 6th and post it as a reply to this discussion once you have it done!

And thank you for volunteering to stitch together the scenes! i will let you be in contact with you closer to the time of the due date.

Thanks again.

ummm let me get back to you about that. i need to talk to my friend, because i think we might want to stitch the video together possibly. we have an email address and youtube account already made  that we will use for this project. I just hadn't made public this information because i haven't checked with her yet.

will let you know by tomorrow

okay sure, thanks! you can put together 1-9 and then send that product to me and i will stitch it to the rest :) sounds great! i just hope that people start signing up for more scenes!

and i will be sure to put you in the credits! this is a big help! appreciate it

kk awesome. i will put this in the discussion details and information

Is the gutlesswondersscreenplay@gmail.com the correct one or is it gutlesswonderscreenplay@gmail.com?

I forgot who Smitty was. who is he?

Show scenery where Smitty is. Smitty has on a helmet.
Close up of Smitty’s face breathing hard and concentrating.
Smitty takes a running start and attempts to do cartwheels.

Gumbo will not be Smitty!

I will do the introduction scene!

Yes! you got it, Alan. The introduction scene is yours :) thanks...spread the news to people on the kommunity and let them know that there are still scenes left for them. send them to this page if you would.

Thanks again

I'd like to have a scene, but first I have to see if I have any people to do it with. Which scene has the fewest characters? If I could have a scene with Tucker in it, that would be pretty cool. (I have a dog :D)

Is scene 13 the only one left with Tucker in it? If so, I'll snatch that one. :)

you can look through the script or watch the rhett and link GMM readings to see. (links above)


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