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What is your Mythical Beast name, Why did you pick it and what does it mean???

Please tell us your mythical name
Why did you choose this name for yourself
What does it means???

Mine is Horphin.
Horse and Dolphin
I chose this name because I love these two animals.
The horse is a great and wonderful land animal. When Jesus comes back He will be on a White horse.
I love the dolphin becasue of it's gentleness and grace when you see them swimming. I first feel in love the dolphin when I was a little girl after watching "Flipper". The island of the blue Dolphin was one of my favorite books and movie.

There are my reason for my name what is yours?

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The Cerberus is the three headed dog of darkness who, according to Greek legend, guards the Underworld where Hades abides. The beast is also featured in the Divine Comedy written by Dante, where he tortures the souls of the damned by eternally chewing them with his razor sharp teeth.

How beast is that?
My Mythical Beast name is "LeictreachUnicorn" It means ElectricUnicorn in Irish according to the google language translator. The reason I chose "LeictreachUnicorn" or ElectricUnicorn is because I have always loved unicorns for some reason. They're just so... Mythical. And I REALLY love lightning/electricity. So I thought "Why not put two of my favorite thing together to make my Myhical Beast name?" So from then I was like "Well it needs to be more creative than that." So I decided because I am 1/4 Irish I might as well make my Mythical Beast name in Irish. So Electric in Irish is "Leictreach" and Unicorn in Irish is "Unicorn". And my Mythical Beastly name is LeictreachUnicorn and I am proud of it!!!!!
I am the Platysombat = (Platypus + Wombat)
I chose it because platypuses are a very unique odd looking creature, awkward on land graceful in water and wombats are really a cute bearlike marsupial that hibernates and sleeps underground but tenacious. Together they symbolize the mythical me ;)
Very Kool

Spenser Clark (LeictreacUnicorn) said:
My Mythical Beast name is "LeictreachUnicorn" It means ElectricUnicorn in Irish according to the google language translator. The reason I chose "LeictreachUnicorn" or ElectricUnicorn is because I have always loved unicorns for some reason. They're just so... Mythical. And I REALLY love lightning/electricity. So I thought "Why not put two of my favorite thing together to make my Myhical Beast name?" So from then I was like "Well it needs to be more creative than that." So I decided because I am 1/4 Irish I might as well make my Mythical Beast name in Irish. So Electric in Irish is "Leictreach" and Unicorn in Irish is "Unicorn". And my Mythical Beastly name is LeictreachUnicorn and I am proud of it!!!!!
Well... mine's pretty boring because it's my name. I didn't choose it, my parents did. Fun fact, I am named after my grandfather..

But... since you asked what it means, "Alan" means "cheerful one" and I am (generally) a very cheerful person, which is good because I write and direct comedy.
Very interesting Alan (cheerfulcomedian)

Alan Davidson said:
Well... mine's pretty boring because it's my name. I didn't choose it, my parents did. Fun fact, I am named after my grandfather..

But... since you asked what it means, "Alan" means "cheerful one" and I am (generally) a very cheerful person, which is good because I write and direct comedy.
mine is "narwhalicorn." half narwhal, half unicorn. mostly because these are the two things i speak of at school. don't ask why, just laugh and admire my creativity. then you can ask why, but with a simple humorous touch to it so i actually answer. anyway, as a narwhalicorn, i roam the himalayas and the pacific ocean in search of rainbow-sprinkle jello. they do not sell it at wal-mart. stupid, uncreative communists.

Pigwidgeon means "small" or "petty" and it combines pig with widgeon, two species of duck found in North America and Europe. It's also Ron Weasley's owl's name in Harry Potter.

My name is the Squirrelface. I chose this mythical name because of my profile pic. Squirellfaces love cheese, spaghetti, and new pants.

mine is The Jade Ninja.

purple jade is my favorite stone. i always wear a purpleish jade ring on my finger.

and i am a ninja. i have the training. i am just that awesome.

 i will post a picture of my jade ring on my page.

UniSeal- a cross between a Unicorn and seal, but basically just a seal with a horn on its forehead for spearing fish and particularly dangerous polar bears.


I just chose it because it popped into my head, I guess.

Narwhals look a lot like seals with a horn ! Google it :p


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