
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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Link gets attacked my a mythical beast and Rhett has to rub some bacon on it to save him
Rhett's a snake charmer and Link's the snake
Link is Rhett's bad barber.

R&L hear the nuclear bombardment alarm, end the show like it's the last thing in their lives & panic

Camera turns upside down & R&L act like they are upside down

R&L do the stepdance battle with hands

R&L end the episode in diferent languages. They can keep the script somewhere near the desk

Rhett is a robber, but Link has an electric shocker

R&L get the phone call like in the movie "Phone Booth". A caller says that he will kill R&L if they end the episode.

R&L get the phone cal from producer who says that R&L will stars in the some kind of famous movie. They are insanely happy & act like crazy.

R&L get glued to the chairs.

R&L bully on the camera & throw it on the floor. Or they can bully on the cameraguy & audience will have cameraguy's first person view.

R&L thow us the pseuodo-romantic slideshow of GMM moments with some lame cheesy music on the background.

Rhett gives Link an express math test. Rhett shouts out simple tasks (6*7=? 37-19=?) & Link must solve them as quickly as possible. Later they can change places & compare whos result was better

I like the upside down suggestion!

Rhett and Link travel to Ouagadougou!

-Rhett is married to Link's wife, and Link's married to Rhett's.

- Pan around the studio for viewers

Link should steal the microphone and hit rhett with it. That would be funny. And somewhere Jason should show up in the whole mix. Nobody ever acknowledges him.

Rhett proposes to Link.


Or vice versa

Rhett and Link have a lightsaber duel:)


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