
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

As told by GeekBeam

Time and space are very interesting things are they not? Maybe not to you -- to you time and space are probably quite constant and liner and frankly boring.

Well... I was in that situation once, until Ii found an odd little rock. Stepped on it and stabbed my toe with it, ironically. When I stepped on said pebble you might expect something non-interesting to happen...or something fantastic. Sadly, it's the former. I yelled out in pain and picked up my foot and danced madly about. But what was amazing about it is that something...heard me, and I was almost instantly thrown about, and things started going wacky. To the outsider it might look as if i had gone insane or was merely gone, but to me the whole world was going wacko. it was just image after image of strange landscapes of the world we know, warped beyond any caricature of normality. At one point I believe I saw everything inside out. I could see Japan if i looked up! Then there were other times where the buildings and everything was weirdly spiky, as if some baby took clay sculptures and pulled at them. Eventually I came to a stop in some sort of blank place, just a white floor and no more... right then I got the pebble out of my foot and finally decided to take a look around. Well...not much to see when it's just white floor and white sky and nothing else except you and a random pebble you stepped on. Eventually I threw it away and moved on, deciding to go in a straight direction. Sadly…I began to notice a pattern. After about five minutes of walking I would pass another pebble just like the one that had stabbed my toe.  And if anyone knows what that means...well...kudos to you. You know an interesting theory.

Well...eventually I got hungry…now what...and like a dunce I started running. And running. And running. Until i was about ready to keel over and wanted to die. I yelled out in frustration this time...and guess what? (c'mon, this is an open spot for people to speak -- theorize!)

-- The pebble talked! --

-- Someone answered --

-- Did you step on it again? --

-- Your scream echoed? --

--  You were transported back home? --

I threw the pebble! As far as I could.  And it...hit a wall?  I set the pebble down and walked to the next pebble and threw that one too.  And that one hit a wall too. What exactly was going on here?  Well... I tried taking the pebble with me when I walked,  and nothing happened. It seemed that only if the pebble left my hand did it hit the wall. Was it like some sort of room that moved with me?

“Well...this is all nice and dandy to know but how is it gonna help me get back home?”

 "I dunno"  answered the pebble.

"WAAH!!!" I practically screamed.

"Woah there buddy, calm down, keep calm...everything's gonna be alright."

"OH gosh I'm going insane..." I said in reply to the pebble's speech. "How do you think I'm okay when I'm stuck in this...limited space!”

"Don't ask me...I'm just a handy pebble".

I stared at the pebble flatly. "Well...YOU TALK YOU STUPID PEBBLE!!!"

"Woah there..." the pebble said. "Don't need to be do rude about it...gosh".

"Well do YOU know how we're getting out of this place? If I leave you there I'm just gonna come by again in five minutes.”

"Is that you of in the distance? That fellow looks awfully like you."

"What are you talking about?”  I look over there and see...me? Staring at myself?! Oh how could this day get any wackier...First the world becomes a blank space that seems to have me trapped. Well...let's just say I tried walking over to...me... I took the pebble as the thing seemed to see things I couldn't notice, and walked toward myself. That sentence in and of itself doesn't make sense...either way, I eventually got to myself and began speaking.

"Who are you?" we both said.

"I am you". We both said again.

"Stop that". Again.

“Oh! I get it..."

"You're me and I'm you..."

"You try thinking on how to get out.."

"I have..."

"Well...we're just talking to each other, and since we're the same person...well...I'm just talking to myself...which would then mean...” Suddenly the other me shattered like a pane of glass and the whole place started to shatter as well...it was a mirror realm. Literally everything mirrored. Even people mirrored if they kept walking,  but to their perspective there was always a wall around them,  hence why the pebble hit a wall with me in the center. It was only when the pebble noticed the other me that I was able to figure things out.

Well...let's just say I went back home and leave it there. There's more to this story than that but I'll leave it there or next time...


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Wow it's long

It looks long, but it fits in one page typed up in a Word document, and only took about 15 min to tell. : )  What you see here is the edited version -- the original was broken up by sentences or phrases as Geek told it in chat.



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