It's a RhettandLinKommunity EXCLUSIVE! I just uploaded an instrumental version of an up-coming music video. It's in the Kommunity music player. It's also attached below (within this discussion). So you can download it for FREE from here!
Our Space Junk will appear on the Science Channel's Brink *next Thursday 6/25 at 8pm*. What do you think of the instrumental? Any predictions on what direction we're taking the final song and video? Comment away!
Though I do like it, this soundtrack sounds particularly robotic and futuristic to say the least.
If my calculations are correct, which they usually are, this song is when Rhett comes out of the garage and admits that he really is a robot.
I've been watching a lot of your work(s) and want to point out that I have never seen Rhett use the bathroom.
Also, Link, you would have an answer to why Rhett wasn't hurt on that snowboarding trip.
I also want Rhett to know that I accept him, even if he is metal made and has gears instead of joints.