
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

What kind of pet do you have? How did you get that pet? Did you adopt? Buy from a breeder? Tell your story, even post pictures!

I have a Female Weimaraner named Daisy Mae, she will be two years old on the 8th.

We got Daisy from a person who bought her from a breeder and the only reason was because she thought Weimaraners were 'beautiful" but soon realized that Daisy had way too much energy for her to handle. (She was running a daycare in her house, going to nursing school, and she had 3 kids).

Daisy went to two homes and got sent back each time, first time was because she had accidents in the house, second time she ate their couch and destroyed their door because they didn't put her in her crate (The person told them to or she would destroy things) We finally ended up with her when she was 7 months old. And she was the perfect dog, well besides not being trained at first, but with just some basic rules she's been a fantastic dog.

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I have a kitten. His name is Ninji. He dominates.
We just picked out a collie pup!! Now for the hard part! Naming him and raising him.. yep! This ought to be fun!
Congrats! I love Collies, beautiful dogs.

My aunt went through that process last year when she picked up her Golden puppy. We heard all the stories of her chewing up things, eating things, all that fun puppy stuff :)

Sorka (eHermitess) Sockswatch said:
We just picked out a collie pup!! Now for the hard part! Naming him and raising him.. yep! This ought to be fun!
I have a GSD/Spitz mix named Raz!
Holy geez, there are a bunch of pets in here! I have 2 dogs:

Pongo - beagle mix, 20lbs, 6 years old. He's lazy and kind of aloof. So much so that most people think he's dumb. He's not, he just doesn't pay attention to anything.

Lucy - Greyhound mix (+ saluki, we think), 50lbs, 1 year old. She's probably the most energetic greyhound in the world. Seriously, look up youtube vids of greyhounds. This one plays with Pongo like 3-4 hours a day and wants to sprint around the back yard every time we let her out. Unfortunately, she loves to run in the mud, and we've been getting a lot of rain lately.

Here's a pic!

:D You have beautiful dogs, Tyler! Have you ever read the Warriors series? When i first saw your mythical beast, i thought it said "Squirrelflight"!

Tyler Dawson (Squirrelligator) said:
Holy geez, there are a bunch of pets in here! I have 2 dogs:
Pongo - beagle mix, 20lbs, 6 years old. He's lazy and kind of aloof. So much so that most people think he's dumb. He's not, he just doesn't pay attention to anything.
Lucy - Greyhound mix (+ saluki, we think), 50lbs, 1 year old. She's probably the most energetic greyhound in the world. Seriously, look up youtube vids of greyhounds. This one plays with Pongo like 3-4 hours a day and wants to sprint around the back yard every time we let her out. Unfortunately, she loves to run in the mud, and we've been getting a lot of rain lately.

Here's a pic!

All the pictures are amazing! How did you guys get pictues of your cats? Mine is always on the move.

I have 4 animals, Parrot- Buddy, Chocolate Lab-Jewel, Cat-Monet, and a Lop eared bunny whose ears don't lop-Ziggy. Ziggy is a house rabbit, he is not caged and he uses a litter box.

Here you can see our animals get really excited whe we start putting gifts under the Christmas tree. Monet will opn boxes and bags if they sit out too long, luckily these are decorations. Ziggy actually stakes out the Chistmas tree when it goes up and "guards" it from the other animals. Usually by christmas most of our gifts have been chewed by the rabbit.

My dog is named Samson and he is a yellow lab and great pyrenes mix. We look on Petfinder and found a classified ad. Then we went to the house where he was born (It took for ever!) and looked at the puppies. Origonally there were 11 , but when we came there were four. We decided on little Samson (who was three months old) and started on the way home. We had bought a small collar because we were expecting to get a smaller dog. The collar was too small so we had to go into PetSmart and buy a new collar. In the end he hid under the couch almost all the time. Now he is a big happy crazy 80 pound dog!
i have a labradoodle (black lab and poodle mix) named Solomon

he will be four on Thanksgiving...

the dog is called annie and the cat with a blue collar is my sisters cat called tiger and my kittie is little honyack which is german for a person to be really funny and stuff

my dog annie was dumped when she 1 or so and we started loving here and another year or two passed and right after christmas she got hit by a pick up and we took to a vet and they saved her but she gotshaved on her bad leg so she never stoped jumping and stuff so the metal rod that was in here came out but know she is good but she still limps but we have had her for 4 years
I have an amazingly fat cocker spaniel beagle doggie (which i used to say he was a cocker speagle :D) who is 12 and sleeps all day :)


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