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Greetings Mythical Beasts! What' your favorite movie? And why? Do you have more than one favourite movie? Or if you have none, do you have a favorite genre?
In this discussion you can also recommend movies to other people if you like to :)

My favorite movies are Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas- both by Tim Burton. I just LOVE the concept art in these films. The Dark Knight comes third in my list. The portrayal of the Joker is excellent!
If i were to recommend a movie, it would definitely be Pan's Labyrinth. Yes it's in Spanish, but it's worth watching :)

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My favorite movie is Looking For Ms. Locklear. Ever heard of it? ;)
Haha, but other than that, the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is great. 'Yes Man' with Jim Carrey is really funny, too. I can't really think of any others at the moment...but, I did just see a great movie recently. Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' was absolutely amazing. One of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen.
I love Secret Window! The story has a great twist. What does that other dude say? was it "you stole ma story"? :D
BananaAnna2008(Anna Pitts)Ritchu said:
Since I think Looking for Miss Locklear is going to be pretty high on everyones list, I'll list two of my other favorites!

When a Strange Calls and Secret Window. I like movies that are slightly creepy! Just nothing gory.
lol i've certainly "heard" of Looking For Ms. Locklear, though i haven't watched it- yet! I hope R&L put it up on itunes, from my opinion i think they would greatly benefit from that :)
Aaahh yes... who could ever forget Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! As i'm typing this right now, the Golden Ticket song is tuning in my head! lol
i've seen This Is It. I've definitely placed it in my top 10 :D
I've got a few. I've ALWAYS loved You've Got Mail (and Sleepless in Seattle, of course). However, as of late I've also added I Love You Man and Penelope to my list of faves. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but my favoriterestests at the moment are Smiley Face and Pineapple Express. I do not recommend watching them if you're into family friendly movies. But, if you're in the mood for a good ROFL, James Franco and Seth Rogen are pretty hilarious in Pineapple Express. I think I've seen it about 5 times or more now. It's still funny!
My favorite movie would probably be One Night with the King.
My favorite film genres are horror, suspensful thriller and comedy. I prefer thrillers because they make sometimes you wanna turn away from the screen, but you can't! lol
Favorite movies, er, let's see...I can't choose just one, so I'll have to break it down a bit.

Most watched movie- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (I watched it at least once every day for an entire summer. Obsess much?)

Favorite "gory" movies- either the Kill Bill(s), or Evil Dead(s) and Army of Darkness

Favorite quasi-"downer" movies- Less than Zero, SLC Punk

Favorite "quirky" movies- Harold & Maude (Garden State is close, 'cos it's ridiculously similar to Harold & Maude, and they both have killer soundtracks), The Royal Tenenbaums

Favorite "classic" movies- most Hitchcock flicks, Arsenic and Old Lace, and too many musicals to name

Favorite "bad" movie- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Pee Wee Herman has the best death scene ever!)

Favorite "makes my head hurt if I try to break them down logically" movies- Donnie Darko and Memento
Oh my goodness! I almost put that when I replied, I love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

Mel (Salerbatis) said:
Most watched movie- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (I watched it at least once every day for an entire summer. Obsess much?)
Well, bless your beautiful hide! That's awesome. I dunno what it is I love so much about it; perhaps the manly pirouettes the brothers do while swinging their axes...or the cheery technicolor...it's phenomenal. Glad to hear I'm not alone!

Rachel Grace (Roshuim) said:
Oh my goodness! I almost put that when I replied, I love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

@Mel Kill Bill is awesome! though i prefer part 1 instead of part 2. Have you watched Vertigo from Hitchcock? if so, is it a good movie?
I hate that movie, a few years back my fam watched that all the time! Not to mention, its a chick-flick.

Mel (Salerbatis) said:
Well, bless your beautiful hide! That's awesome. I dunno what it is I love so much about it; perhaps the manly pirouettes the brothers do while swinging their axes...or the cheery technicolor...it's phenomenal. Glad to hear I'm not alone!

Rachel Grace (Roshuim) said:
Oh my goodness! I almost put that when I replied, I love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

You should watch Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear window," It's an old movie but still a good one...

Charbel (Randler Wolf) said:
My favorite film genres are horror, suspensful thriller and comedy. I prefer thrillers because they make sometimes you wanna turn away from the screen, but you can't! lol


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