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Name your choice:  OLD vs. NEW

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I like the new one, although I prefer the old font.

I think it's a better concept, and it just looks strange to us because we know if they stood back to back their heads just wouldn't be at the same height like that...

I really preferred the old one. The new one is just a bit... creepy? Kinda reminds me of the Roman god Janus.

Thats how I am. lol!!
Heather S. (Moosquid) said:
I think the new one will grow on us.  I wasn't sure at first but I'm starting to like the new one more and more.
yea. I prefer the old font. but hey, they are starting out fresh so.. maybe it will grow on us.

Heather (Siantole) said:

I like the new one, although I prefer the old font.

I think it's a better concept, and it just looks strange to us because we know if they stood back to back their heads just wouldn't be at the same height like that...

AHH!! thats what i liked about it too!! that they included links glasses but i dont like how they dont have rhetts signature eye brows.. :CCC
BananaAnna2008(Anna Pitts)Ritchu said:
The new one will grow on me but I like the old one better. I like how both are keeping to a similar artistic idea with the whited out features and colors. It's pretty cool how the new one actually has Link's glasses tied into the mix. Considering that the new logo ties both faces together into one image (versus two) is nice for simplicity.

I actually miss the font in the old logo compared to what's in the new logo. I guess that's partially due to me practically being a dinosaur in these mythical beast parts.  

However, I will admit that change is nice :-)

yea. thats what i kinda said. they should just freshen up the old one.
Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken) said:
I think I would take the old logo and combine it with the new... if ya gotta smoosh it together to make it fit on stuff that is. I like the whole "pushmepullyou" concept but I think it could be done using the old style... that new one is a little cartoony. Not that I got anything against cartoony, mind ya. I'm just sayin'.

LOL Gumbo....I remember this.

Gumbo123 said:

i like the old - - - although the new one does remind me just a tiny bit of my nomination for the RandLer design KBE way back in the day 

I like the new one, but we are all so used to the old one, and I like the old one better.  I LOVE how the old one has Rhett's eyebrow thing.  Im jussayin.

I am starting to LOVE their new logo! its growing on me. :DD

I give it the okay!!!


even though i took the time to make that clock with their old logo on it..


Idk if they would still want it.. :C

I like the faces from the old logo and the font from the new logo.  Combine them.

Does anybody else remember in the old days when the R&L Logo changed with various hair and beard/mustache styles?  Wish I had kept a copy of those along the way.

I think the new one is great however it's a little bit voldermort or however you spell that stupid name!

It's certainly an improvement on the old logo which has been brilliant over the years but is due a refresh.


Something that puts be off slightly with the new one is the very Tin Tin style that's going on


I think it's a grower


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