
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

A little place where you can save for all prosperity to enjoy a few of the awesome (and/or downright silly) events that occur on the Kommunity Chat. 



  1. Keep it friendly
  2. Keep it clean
  3. Keep it entertaining
  4. Just do a screen capture in Chat and save to a .jpeg file and share with all your Mythically Beastly Buddies.



POST #1 (which gave rise to the idea) :

8 MBs * / 6 Countries ~ preserving the moment in digital imagery
 * plus Izzy who fell asleep with the computer on again

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Kevin, here is the whole conversation:



Kevin (UniSeal) said:

Jessica (Swamp Chicken), Julia (Tursquir), and I made up our own language in the chat. It may very soon become the official language of the Kommunity.


The lamp conversation:

Alone at 3:37 in the morning...Time...to...DANCE! No...just gunna go to sleep...Oyasuminasai eveyrone!



A sacred Kommunity legend is shared in the chat one night...

only 20 capes, huh? so how do you explain THIS

Kevin (UniSeal) said:

A sacred Kommunity legend is shared in the chat one night...

Gumbo on Stalker mode:

It was interesting hahaha XD

This was so amazing! And thank you for letting me own part of the cape of immortality.

Kevin (UniSeal) said:
A sacred Kommunity legend is shared in the chat one night...

I annoy Shae.


MOOSEPIG > > >  he demonstrates a bit of paranoia related to these so-called SKYPE people and finally admits to himself (sort of) what the rest of us have known for a long time . . .


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