So, the Nerdfighters (followers of John and Hank Green, vlogbrothers on YouTube) are answers to 20 Questions over at . Characters from John Green's books are also answers.
If enough of us play, we can make Rhett&Link an answer, and we can also do Rhett and Link separately.
When you get to the website, click on 20Q People. When it gets to the end, put in Rhett&Link, and then when it asks for a comment, type in Internetainers--Internet Comedic Duo . If you're playing only for Rhett or Link, type in just their names.
Feel free to put goofy questions you get and what you answered!!
And, feel free to play multiple times!! 20 Q figures out answers based on what we teach it. So, let's school 20Q on Rhett&Link!!