
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

UPDATE: AlyandCate are gonna sync the popping up to some music. So in addition to the regular montage, there will be a music video of sorts. It's gonna be pretty awesome.

This KBE is closed! Check it out in the videos: https://rhettandlink.ning.com/video/pleasure-pop-montage

It was a ton of fun to make. Thanks Kommunity for making this a great KBE!! :)

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Fantastic idea! I will most definitely be participating. =)
hahaha...I knew I wasn't the only one that made sure it "popped" upon opening!

What a great idea, Teresa (and Miriam)! If only I had the technology to participate...
Yes! Any way you can participate is great!!

Taylor Hartley said:
i would like to participate as soon as i get mine! will a video recording from a webcam work?
Oh, this is an easy one! Count me in!
AWWWW, MAN! I was thinkin bout doin this, but already opened mine a week ago. Boo!
DAN!! You definitely need to be in on it... do it anyway! The only thing that matters is the pop.

DantheMontageMan said:
AWWWW, MAN! I was thinkin bout doin this, but already opened mine a week ago. Boo!
Okay, I'll TOTALLY do it! I actually have a dropbox account. sweet.
Great idea Teresa! I would like to participate as soon as I get my copy of the DVD! :)
I'm so doing this as soon as I get mine :D
I guess I should go ahead and buy my Locklear DVD, then, haha. I heard it was quick shipping?
Yeah... if I need to move the date back so you and others can participate, that is fine.

Megan McMo said:
I guess I should go ahead and buy my Locklear DVD, then, haha. I heard it was quick shipping?
Ahh, this is why I love the Kommunity! Great idea, Teresa.


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