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Why do the Space Junk song and its video have different lyrics?

The song by its self says "Here's Buzz Aldron's bag of toiletries-what's in it?-vasaline and hydraquardrazone creme" (sorry if that's spelled wrong) and the video says "Here's some old bag of toiletries-What's in it?-sunscreen and hydroquardrazone creme"

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The video was made for television, I assume the network didn't want to have to deal with the logistics of having someone's name in the song.

That makes sense. But the song does clarify why the bag says BUZZ on it.
Doug Hanna (Dashing Flabbergear) said:
The video was made for television, I assume the network didn't want to have to deal with the logistics of having someone's name in the song.
Doug, that is exactly correct.  For broadcast on TV, they wanted to avoid using Buzz Aldrin's name.  He apparently has a reputation for being sensitive about his image.  So there ya go!
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

Rhett (Shahbaz) said:
Doug, that is exactly correct.  For broadcast on TV, they wanted to avoid using Buzz Aldrin's name.  He apparently has a reputation for being sensitive about his image.  So there ya go!
Hm.  I had always wondered that, but now it seems so obvious.  Thanks!


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