
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?

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Originally, i voted for mythical beasts, but after i started thinking about it, i started leaning more towards RandLers. You see, if you were wearing a t-shirt that said "i am a mythical beast" people are just going to think of that as another t-shirt with a random saying that means nothing. But, if you were to wear a t-shirt that said "i am a RandLer" That would make people curious and make them ask you "what is a RandLer?" And that would give you an opportunity to tell someone about the grand comedy of Rhett and Link.
I've decided to weigh in on the "Mythical Beasts" side of things, because I want to hear Shay talking about Rhett and Links "Mythical Beasts". The RandLers reminds me too much of a mid-west basketball team..
Hannah Watt said:
Well, as RandLers and Mythical Beasts are popular, why not have it as - RandLers Mythical Beasts, or RandLer Beasts, or Mythical RandLers....

I think Mythical RandLers is a great idea... Wouldn't you like a T-shirt that says: "Behold! A Mythical RandLer!"
I sure would...
Honestly I'm not too happy with either option. Mythical Beasts sounds like a team name from summer camp that was thought up in about two minutes, and RandLers isn't really very funny. I'd rather go for something like Cornholers, or even just the Kommunity but oh well. I really don't even have a preference between them. Whatever the decision is I'll just be happy to be part of the Kommunity.

Emily (EmmyG11) said:
Originally, i voted for mythical beasts, but after i started thinking about it, i started leaning more towards RandLers. You see, if you were wearing a t-shirt that said "i am a mythical beast" people are just going to think of that as another t-shirt with a random saying that means nothing. But, if you were to wear a t-shirt that said "i am a RandLer" That would make people curious and make them ask you "what is a RandLer?" And that would give you an opportunity to tell someone about the grand comedy of Rhett and Link.
can you see the pic? If you can reply if you can't reply. Thank you...
we should call ourselves the forum...oh wait, damn, thats already taken... uuuuummmmm....... what about... rhinklers....which is the Rh from rhett an the ink from link
not sure if someone suggested this but.. the rhink rhats
RH from rhett and INK from link.

Sorry i played hockey a while ago and this was the first thing to come to mind. sorry if someone already suggested it.
RhLi (riley/or raleigh) thats cool ... late but cool cant be a group name tho lol

Jeanette Renee Heath Chamberlain said:
can you see the pic? If you can reply if you can't reply. Thank you...

this is my logo that i made for my suggestion, which was rhinklers
Abigayle Turner said:
we should call ourselves the forum...oh wait, damn, thats already taken... uuuuummmmm....... what about... rhinklers....which is the Rh from rhett an the ink from link
Ok, it's late and I didn't have much energy left to work on this... but here's something to spark imaginations and possibilities.
I voted for RandLer, but I like that shirt!

San Juan Dweller said:
Ok, it's late and I didn't have much energy left to work on this... but here's something to spark imaginations and possibilities.


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