
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Our Link’s birthday is approaching quickly. What Sarah @mythicaliity and I @chefjess1234 would like to do is celebrate his birthday while celebrate his return to Instagram.
Here is the project and how everyone is welcome to participate!!!

Proposal: there will be an Instagram page that will be private until Link’s birthday, where we will be giving him access to look at all the entries from all of you mythical beasts. This way has one place to come and see just how special he is to all of us.

Due date: all entries are to be in by the 28th of May 3pm EST OR 12pm PST

Entry information: an entry can be anything from a video edit no longer than a minute , some birthday art work, a written message to link or a photo of you holding up a birthday sign (write on the sign where you are from, so we can show just how widespread he has spread mythicality).
We do ask that it is appropriate content and kept pg. please do not tag Link as this is a surprise for him

Instructions: once you have the entry ready, you can either send it directly to the Instagram page by tagging mythicaly41, through twitter by directly messaging Sarah or myself. Or you can email it to us via our joint email link.mythicaly41@gmail.com
The Instagram page will become accessible to everyone via the Kommunity’s website and social media pages the day we open it to Link
If you have any questions, please contact us and we can help you where we can. We look forward to seeing the entries.

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thank you for you reply, I will definitely keep you posted

Jessoca - - you will notice that the Kommunity home page now includes a promotional link to this discussion.  

Here is a link to last year's posting to give you an idea of what was done then.

Good luck to you and Sarah on this year's project.

Thank you very much for this. You support means alot

Hey, everyone! For your personal privacy and security, please don't post your email address on this public forum. You can send a direct, private message to Jessica by going to her profile page, OR just keep an eye on your email for messages from the Kommunity, since we will be sending out email blasts when there are project updates/deadline reminders.

Any comments containing email addresses will be removed. Thanks!

video edits, drawing, etc. your own way to wish him best wishes. thank you for taking interest. please pass it on if you can

I think this is a great idea!!! Link has done so much for internetainment that he should have something special! Whoever came up with this, you're a fricken genius.

@ Jenann Woods - - this is something the Kommunity members and MBs worldwide have been doing for a while now.  Below are links to some previous projects to give you an idea of what to look forward to with this year's project:

Love this idea!!!! Keep me posted please!!!

I've only been part of the Kommunity for a few months.

Me too! *Digital high five*

lol yess

sure will thank you for that


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