Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
Hey, I'm in Salem too!
Did you go to Sprague at all? I think I remember you from an English class. My name's Adele but you wouldn't remember me; I was really quiet.
Sorry; just surprised to see another Salemite!
Hello ! I'm Kyla Birkholz ( aka Feenix) . I live in a Reeseville WI. My friends and I call ourselves Nerds and Co and offten do cosplay stuff in our neighboring states . I love games and anime . I can't remember the first episode of GMM I watched but I have never been dissappoited by an episode or this kommunity for that matter. I'm always up for lending an ear if you just want someone to talk too. I hope to meet Rhett and link one day (missed the tour because I was deployed ) and maybe even more fans in my area. Thanks for reading and have a glorious day!
Hi! I’m Caitlin, and I’m from Ontario, Canada. I’ve been watching Good Mythical Morning for about three years. I like stained glass, stories, dragons, and reading.
WELKOMM PERPETUAL TEENAGER! must be nice to not have to deal with aging issues.
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Hello!! My name is Heather (PokeyJoe)!! I live in Southeast Nebraska...yes, I know, corn and cows everywhere! I'm the proud mother of two (they also love Rhett and LInk!), and wife of the best mechanic I know! (he too fancies GMM at least what I've insisted he watches :) ) I "fell in love" with Rhett and Link a few years ago. I cant remember exactly how I stumbled upon them, but I'm confident it was a "Will It" video...from then on I was hooked!! I have been digging my way through the archives of Rhett and Link and GMM watching every video in my efforts to call myself a true, and devoted fan! I am new to the Kommunity, but am looking forward to all it has to offer!!
Thanks and Love,
i might have introduced myself before but im darren elliott from london ontario canada, 37 and live on a farm...
i enjoy gaming, aking youtube vids and alot more
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