Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
Hi, guys!
As you all probably know, the Mythical Mug was discontinued. I already got one a few years ago, but unfortunately, I slipped which led to a stack of books falling and hitting my mug. I came out relatively unharmed, save for a few bruises, but my mug didn't survive. I was really sad because I remembered it was discontinued. I already have the "Boiled for Safety" mug, but I don't know, this mug is special and I can't help but feel sad that I'm never gonna have the chance to have it again. I thought it was worth a shot to post this here. I'll obviously pay for it plus the shipping fee. You can name your price, but hopefully, it won't veer too far from its original price. Hopefully, this isn't against the rules (I read through it again today, but I didn't find anything regarding this.) If it is, I'll remove it. Just thought I'd try.
Thanks! Be your mythical best!
unfortunately i dont. but i totally get you. I got one of the last GMM mugs myself, and a week after i got it it got cracked on the handle. I just fixed it with superglue and clear nail polish. It has a few scratches now, but its still trusty.
if any of my friends have an extra one, i'll let them know you want one. peace out fellow beast :)
Best of luck! I'm actually looking for this mug myself, but received confirmation from a GMM staff member this afternoon that they are indeed discontinued, and "will not be coming back in stock".
I really hope they change their minds, and once again make the classic mug available (along-side the others). Although they new logo/design is interesting, it just doesn't quite compare to the old logo for me.
Who doesn't want their mug to wish them a "Good Mythical Morning" as they drink their coffee each morning?
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