
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I only have discovered them in the last couple of months but am totally hooked...I spent all day yesterday watching episodes I had yet to see :) I was just browsing around on YouTube and they came up and I have been hooked ever since. :)

I found them one night when I can't sleep and searched(on youtube) how to fall asleep quickly and their sleep technic video came up I watched it and in the following days, their videos were in my suggestions and I just couldn't get enough so I subbed and loved them since!!!

I was watching people try things videos found one of theirs and was hooked.
I found Rhett & Link about 2 years ago when my best friend showed me Spot the differences music video and i immediatly started to watch them. I still listen to the song, its one of my favourites.

GMM kept showing up in my recommended videos, so I finally watched one of them and then couldn't stop watching episodes and became addicted. 

i was told my friend who is a mythical beast their videos are so fuuny

rhett and links i mean

"Will It Cereal"

My boyfriend and I don't have "network television" beamed into the house any more, so Netflix and Youtube are our sources of in-home entertainment and one day he saw a video titled "Will It Cereal" and it was all over - we were hooked. These guys are friggin' hilarious, fun, unique and straight odd. We watch GMM every day with our morning coffee.


I searched for optical illusions and found the old GMM episode on it. Afterwards i watched all GMM episodes from beginning to end

I have been having health problems and spent a lot of time stuck in bed; so I was just messing around on YouTube while I was in the hospital when I randomly clicked on a GMM episode I ended up spending the 3 full days I was in the hoapital watching old episodes. I would be laughing so hard that I actually set off one of the machines a couple of times making the nurses come running in to check on me. Laughter is really the best medicine and if not it at least boosted my spirits while I was stuck in the hospital. I of course ended up subscribing to their channel and set up the notifications. Since, I work 3rd shift I now watch GMM AND MORE right before I leave work, which is a great way to end my night/ morning lol.
My friend introduced me to my ocd song and it turned into gmm

I discovered Rhett and Link (specifically GMM) in a very convoluted way...I typically watch Epic Rap Battles of History, and one day I was showing some to my son.  The guys at ERB will sometimes have "guest rappers" for some of their videos, and I was able to tell my son who each of the guests were, until we came upon the "Wright Bros vs Mario Bros" battle.  While I knew the Wright Bros were Rhett and Link, I couldn't really describe what they did...

So after some searching I came across Good Mythical Morning, and now I'm making it a goal to catch up on the over 900 episodes they have (I'm probably halfway through by now).  Definately being "Internetained" by them!


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